Modern Warfare 3: The Duration of the Campaign

Modern Warfare 3: The Duration of the Campaign

Discover the duration of Modern Warfare 3's campaign with precision Get the answer you seek regarding the playtime of this acclaimed game

Fans are already delving into the captivating narrative of the Modern Warfare 3 campaign, just twenty-four hours after its release. This engrossing campaign boasts a fresh story mode and exhilarating Open Combat missions, offering players exclusive rewards to be earned. Additionally, there are a staggering 40 Achievements and Trophies for players to acquire upon successfully conquering certain challenges and objectives.

With the impending release of Modern Warfare 3 on the horizon, many avid gamers are filled with anticipation, eager to uncover the duration of the storyline and the amount of time it will take to fully complete. To provide some insight, here is a comprehensive breakdown of the anticipated average duration that players will invest in embarking on the Modern Warfare 3 campaign.

How Long is Modern Warfare 3’s Playtime?

Modern Warfare 3: The Duration of the Campaign

The Modern Warfare 3 campaign is expected to take players approximately 5 to 8 hours to complete, taking into account the chosen difficulty setting and the collection of all items. However, the inclusion of Open Combat Missions introduces a new gameplay experience, potentially extending the campaign to around 10 hours based on the player's approach.

Comprised of 15 missions, completion times for these vary from a few minutes to up to 30 minutes. Thankfully, the Modern Warfare 3 campaign will be available for one week, providing ample time for players to finish the missions. They have the option to either complete all objectives in one go or divide it into multiple sessions.

Players looking to speed through the campaign without collecting all items can choose Recruit difficulty. However, those seeking a challenge and aiming to unlock all rewards should opt for a higher difficulty, though completion may take longer. Unfortunately, the campaign can only be played solo, and multiplayer co-op will only be available at Modern Warfare 3's official launch.

The Modern Warfare 3 campaign serves as a direct continuation from Modern Warfare 2. Throughout the story, players will unlock four operators - Jabber, Corso, Doc, and Pathfinder. Finishing the campaign rewards players with a completion emblem and a weapon blueprint. Each mission also offers various rewards, such as weapon double XP tokens, making the campaign a worthwhile experience.

Modern Warfare 3: The Duration of the Campaign

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2023) is a highly anticipated video game in the popular Call of Duty franchise. It will be available on various platforms including PC, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PS4, and Xbox One. Developed by Sledgehammer Games and published by Activision, the game is set to be released on November 10, 2023.

Editor's P/S

As an enthusiastic fan of the Call of Duty franchise, I am thrilled to hear about the upcoming release of Modern Warfare 3. The campaign duration, which is estimated to be around 5 to 8 hours, seems like a substantial amount of time to delve into the captivating narrative and experience the exhilarating Open Combat missions. The inclusion of 40 Achievements and Trophies adds an additional layer of excitement, providing players with specific challenges and objectives to conquer.

The variety in mission lengths, ranging from a few minutes to up to 30 minutes, ensures that the campaign will offer a diverse and engaging gameplay experience. The option to complete all objectives in one go or divide it into multiple sessions caters to different playstyles and preferences. Additionally, the availability of the campaign for one week allows players ample time to finish the missions at their own pace.