Mind-Blowing Revelation: A Deep Dive into Final Fantasy 16's Epic Finale

Mind-Blowing Revelation: A Deep Dive into Final Fantasy 16's Epic Finale

Unravel the mind-bending conclusion of Final Fantasy 16, a rollercoaster ride that introduces a new world, delves into the passage of time, unveils mythos, battles Ifrit and Logos, experiences the Siege of Origin, confronts Ultima's End, and faces a difficult choice Prepare for an epic epilogue

In the final hours of Square Enix's Final Fantasy 16, players will be put through intense emotional and physical challenges. Exciting moments, surprising plot twists, and potentially controversial elements await as Clive Rosfield's transformation from a young swordsman to a heroic world-saver comes to a close. However, there are still loose ends to be tied up before the story concludes. The enemies in Valisthea continue to pose a threat, and as the game approaches its climax, the intensity only grows. Whether players are reaching the end or have already experienced it, or even if they have no intention of completing the journey, here is everything you need to know about Final Fantasy 16's ending.

Warning: Full spoilers for the final events of Final Fantasy 16 will be revealed below.

The Ending of Final Fantasy 16 Explained

Creating a New World

The Background of the Gods and Ultima: Unveiling the Endgame Mystery

Mind-Blowing Revelation: A Deep Dive into Final Fantasy 16's Epic Finale

Long ago, the gods harnessed the power of magic, reaping its benefits and enabling their prosperity. However, their actions came at a steep cost as the ravenous Blight emerged, unleashing destruction with no respite. Helpless, the gods watched as it surged forward, threatening to consume everything in its path. Seeking safety, a group of 16 Blight survivors sought refuge in Valisthea, yet their pursuer relentlessly followed. To counter this dire situation, the creation of a completely new world became imperative, necessitating two crucial elements. First, an immense quantity of magic must be gathered, and second, a vessel capable of harnessing this magic must be crafted.

The Passage of Time

For the former, the gods sacrificed their physical forms and brought forth the Mothercrystals, imbuing their spirits into these constructs. These Mothercrystals, in turn, absorbed the aether from the lands of Valisthea. As for the latter, the gods bestowed humanity with the hope that someday Mythos, the chosen vessel, would be born. Once Mythos emerges, they shall be entrusted to Ultima, who will then unleash a spell to forge a new world, one that is untainted by the Blight.

Mind-Blowing Revelation: A Deep Dive into Final Fantasy 16's Epic Finale

Although implemented, the execution of this plan demanded a substantial amount of time. Consequently, the deities entered a period of dormancy, patiently awaiting the opportune moment to resurface in Final Fantasy 16. This decision, however, turned out to be a grave miscalculation, leading to a lack of divine guidance for humanity. As a result, humans began to forge their own destiny, gradually gaining autonomy and forgetting about the very existence of these gods.

Men's newfound independence brought forth a multitude of desires, triggered by the discovery of magic. This led to continuous power struggles and dominance battles. Unsurprisingly, the emergence of magic also attracted the Blight, causing it to gain stronger control over Valisthea.

Simultaneously, the destruction of the Drake's Head Mothercrystal by Clive Rosfield and Cidolfus Telamon awakened an enigmatic danger, known as Ultima. Defeating Typhon the Transgressor only revealed to Ultima that Clive is Mythos, marking the moment for the gods' plan to advance.

The Arrival of Mythos

Mind-Blowing Revelation: A Deep Dive into Final Fantasy 16's Epic Finale

Ultima then began corrupting influential figures, such as King Barnabas Tharmr of Waloed, the Dominant of Odin, and Emperor Olivier of the Crystalline Dominion. This set the stage for Clive to inevitably clash with those who possessed the powers he needed to absorb and become the legendary Mythos. Alongside this manipulation, the plan also involved destroying the Mothercrystals, granting the gods their freedom once again. Unbeknownst to Clive, he was oblivious to the larger scheme unfolding in Final Fantasy 16.

In due course, Clive would possess all the powers of the Eikons, positioning himself as the long-awaited Mythos that Ultima could then utilize to cast the spell, Raise. This spell would allow for the creation of a new paradise for the gods, while simultaneously dooming Valisthea and humanity. However, the protagonist and players have different intentions, actively working to thwart these sinister plans.

Ifrit Risen and Logos

Mind-Blowing Revelation: A Deep Dive into Final Fantasy 16's Epic Finale

In the fight against Bahamut, Clive and his brother Joshua demonstrated their ability to merge their Eikons' powers, giving rise to a new entity called Ifrit Risen. Ifrit Risen is the culminating form of Mythos, a fusion of Ifrit and Phoenix, depicted in religious murals that have unfortunately been lost.

Fortunately, during Joshua's quest to uncover more about Ultima, he stumbles upon a revelation in Waloed. Unlike Garuda, Ramuh, Shiva, Titan, Bahamut, Odin, and the now-lost Leviathan, the Phoenix and Ifrit are distinct entities. This discovery holds the key to understanding everything. Ifrit Risen is held in high esteem by the other Eikons and serves a greater purpose for the gods.

This is how the Mythos legend will unfold: the pair of brothers will either become the coveted Mythos that Ultima and the gods desire, or the Logos, a corrupted Mythos driven by its own will.

As Clive grows throughout the game, it's not surprising that he ultimately confronts Ultima as the embodiment of Logos in Final Fantasy 16. The absence of divine guidance has empowered humanity to control their own will, weakening the powers of gods like Ultima. This enables Clive to rally his friends and family and take the fight to this evil being.

The Siege of Origin

Mind-Blowing Revelation: A Deep Dive into Final Fantasy 16's Epic Finale

After the devastating destruction of Waloed's final Mothercrystal, Ultima sets its sights on the city of Twinside, known as the resting place of Origin, the vessel that brought the gods to Valisthea a thousand years ago. In a desperate and risky move, Ultima lifts Origin into the sky, rapidly draining the surrounding lands of their vital aether. This causes the spread of the Blight to accelerate and transforms everything into a dangerous Akashic state, posing a grave threat to the inhabitants of the lands.

As Clive and Joshua team up with Dion, the former Dominant of Bahamut, they launch a daring attack on Ultima by penetrating the protective crystal shielding Origin. Inside, the trio combines their powers in a valiant yet ultimately unsuccessful attempt to defeat Ultima. Tragically, Dion loses his life in the battle, while Clive suffers severe injuries. Joshua taps into the power of the Phoenix to aid his brother's recovery, but in doing so, significantly weakens himself.

Ultima's End

Upon reaching the Core of Origin, Clive is a firsthand witness to the momentous event of Ultima fusing with the released deities, including the spirit that Joshua had previously imprisoned, thus attaining its ultimate manifestation. Possessing an ample supply of aether, the sole missing element for Ultima's malevolent enchantment is the acquisition of Mythos.

Mind-Blowing Revelation: A Deep Dive into Final Fantasy 16's Epic Finale

In his final moments, Joshua grants Clive the complete might of the Phoenix, enabling the protagonist to ascend to Ifrit Risen without assistance from others. This sparks a grand showdown against Ultima, immersing players in three exhilarating stages of Eikon warfare and breathtaking sorcery.

The Hard Choice

In the final confrontation, the gods' very own creation triumphs over Ultima, marking the defeat of the formidable deity. A profound revelation dawns on Clive as he conveys the profound sentiment that mankind's relentless struggles are all justified, leading to their ultimate freedom. As a decisive denouement, he assimilates the immense power possessed by Ultima, propelling him to the zenith of his metamorphosis as Logos.

Mind-Blowing Revelation: A Deep Dive into Final Fantasy 16's Epic Finale

After experiencing numerous trials and deepening his comprehension of past events, Clive comes to the realization that eradicating magic entirely is crucial for humanity's salvation from the Blight. Achieving this monumental task necessitates his utilization of the accumulated power to annihilate the ultimate Mothercrystal residing at the core of Origin.

"It appears that this vessel was never capable of containing Ultima's immense power," Clive declares. "However, as I inhabit it now, perhaps I can wield it to rectify the situation and ensure Ultima's legacy is eradicated completely. Even if it results in my own demise."

Consequently, Clive offers himself as the ultimate sacrifice, obliterating the Mothercrystal and liberating the world from the influence of gods, the corrupting nature of magic, and the Blight. Stranded on a distant shore, Clive gazes at the sky, sensing the ebbing of his own magical abilities before seemingly meeting his ultimate fate.

Mind-Blowing Revelation: A Deep Dive into Final Fantasy 16's Epic Finale

The focus then shifts to Torgal and Jill Warrick gazing up at the night sky, where the radiant star of Metia shines brightly. Jill's tears begin to flow, and Torgal lets out a mournful howl. Depending on the player's belief, this could signify the departure of Clive or the fulfillment of Jill's wish for the hero's safe return. It is likely that many would hold onto the belief in the legendary power of Metia, hoping that it is indeed granting desires.


Mind-Blowing Revelation: A Deep Dive into Final Fantasy 16's Epic Finale

After the credits roll for Final Fantasy 16, there is an additional scene that depicts life in Valisthea following Clive's sacrifice. In a wooded area, two brothers are struggling to start a fire. One of the brothers, who bears a resemblance to Clive, expresses a desire to possess the fiery powers of an Eikon. Their mother dismisses the idea, stating that magic is nothing more than a fairytale.

As the younger brother wanders off to play with his dog, the camera shifts focus to a book titled Final Fantasy, written by Joshua Rosfield. This book serves as a testament to the efforts of Joshua and the Undying, ensuring that the heroic legends are preserved for future generations. The world now stands liberated thanks to the events that transpired in Final Fantasy 16, with this book acting as a sole remnant of Valisthea's history.

Final Fantasy 16 is exclusively available for PlayStation 5.