Mastering the Slide-Cancel Technique in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Mastering the Slide-Cancel Technique in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Learn how to master the art of slide-canceling in CoD: Modern Warfare 3 with our expert tips and techniques Discover the key to performing this essential movement for an edge in the game

How to slide-cancel

To enhance your gameplay in Modern Warfare 3, Call of Duty introduces the return of slide-canceling movement. This advanced technique empowers skilled players to swiftly slide and dodge incoming enemy fire, causing their adversaries to struggle with aiming and keeping up. Although the mechanics are not as overpowered and flawed as they were in Modern Warfare 2019, they still offer a potent way to navigate the battlefield. If you're eager to master this sweaty movement for yourself, our comprehensive guide is here to assist you.

How to slide-cancel

Similar to its original iteration in previous games, executing the slide-canceling maneuver in Modern Warfare 3 involves rapidly pressing the crouch button twice while sprinting and then jumping with your assigned thumbstick or button. By swiftly combining these three inputs, you will perform a fluid sliding motion that can be quickly canceled, leaving your opponents struggling to keep track of your movements.

The slide-cancel in Modern Warfare 3 no longer resets your Tac Sprint, resulting in the inability to utilize unlimited sprint to quickly maneuver through the maps. Instead, it is most effective for surprising opponents while sliding around corners or entering doorways.

Default button combinations based on your platform are as follows:

PlayStation: O, O, X

Xbox: B, B, A

Slide-canceling tips

To improve your gameplay, try mastering the button combinations PC: Shift, Shift, Space or C,C,Space. These combos allow you to smoothly slide, jump, and aim your weapon. Dedicate some time to practicing these moves in private matches to perfect your timing and rhythm.

Consider remapping your buttons for a more user-friendly layout. When playing with a controller, utilizing the tactical layout and using R3 for sliding and crouching instead of the O or B button can be advantageous. You can make this adjustment in the controller settings of Modern Warfare 3. For comprehensive guidance on settings, we offer a complete MW3 setting guide to enhance your performance in all game modes.

Another effective method to enhance your slide-canceling is to equip Tactical Pads in the boots gear slot. This perk not only increases your sliding distance but also enables you to fully aim your gun while sliding.

Make sure to check out our multiplayer tips for Modern Warfare 3. Additionally, we have a guide on how to level up faster, including both player rank and weapon progression in Modern Warfare 3.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I am excited about the return of slide-canceling in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. This advanced movement technique allows players to quickly slide and dodge incoming enemy fire, giving them a significant advantage in combat. I am eager to learn how to master this technique and incorporate it into my own gameplay.

However, I am concerned about the potential for slide-canceling to become overpowered and ruin the game's balance. In Modern Warfare 2019, slide-canceling was a dominant movement technique that was used by all of the top players. This made it difficult for casual players to compete, as they were unable to keep up with the fast-paced movement of their opponents. I hope that Infinity Ward will find a way to balance slide-canceling in Modern Warfare 3 so that it does not become too powerful.