Mastering the Returning Pike in Baldur's Gate 3: Acquisition and Optimal Strategies

Unleash the true power of the Returning Pike in Baldur's Gate 3 with expert tips and strategies. Discover how to wield this formidable ranged weapon to dominate your foes and maximize its potential on the battlefield.
In Baldur's Gate 3, players can find a variety of weapons during their adventures. One of these weapons is the Returning Pike, a two-handed ranged weapon that can be acquired early in the game.
The special thing about the Returning Pike is that once thrown, it will come back to your hand automatically. This feature saves you time and Actions that would be spent on re-equipping it. Having the Returning Pike in your arsenal can greatly enhance certain character builds and playstyles, making it essential to obtain it early in the game.
How to Get the Returning Pike in Baldur's Gate 3
returning pike - How to Get the Returning Pike in Baldur's Gate 3
The Returning Pike can only be found in Act 1 of Baldur's Gate 3, so it's important to make sure you grab this weapon early on in the game, preferably before facing the Goblins or entering Emerald Grove. To obtain the Returning Pike, head to the Goblin Camp and talk to Grat the Trader. If you progress too far by fighting the Goblins or helping them invade the Grove and harm the Tieflings, you might miss your chance to get this weapon.
To reach the Goblin Camp, simply walk from Blighted Village, go down the hill, and cross the bridge on the right. You'll need to come here eventually to rescue Halsin, speak with Minthara, or save Volo, so finding the camp shouldn't be too difficult.
When you reach the Goblin camp, find Grat the Trader near the entrance on the right side. He will be standing next to some items for sale. Just talk to him and inquire about his goods.
bg3 grat - Grat the Trader will have this weapon available for purchase, so all you'll need to do to secure the Pike is throw a few gold his way or offer up a trade which he deems valuable enough to accept
Grat the Trader will have the Returning Pike available for purchase in Baldur's Gate 3. All you have to do is exchange some gold or offer a valuable trade to get your hands on this powerful weapon. Once you have it, the Returning Pike will be added to your inventory, allowing you to explore its potential in different character builds.
Best Build & Use For the Returning Pike in Baldur's Gate 3
karlach frenzied - Best Build & Use For the Returning Pike in Baldur's Gate 3
If your character in the game is a Barbarian Class, then the Returning Pike is an excellent choice for a first weapon. It works great for a Berserker Barbarian who specializes in using thrown or makeshift weapons. This build can make your character incredibly powerful and is a smart strategy to follow as you progress through Karlach's journey.
Returning Pike Berserker Barbarian Initial Stat Build
STR 17 (+2)
DEX 15
CON 16 (+1)
To make the most out of the Returning Pike as a Berserker Barbarian, the first step is reaching level 3 and choosing Berserker as your subclass. At Level 4, it's important to pick Tavern Brawler as your Feat. This feat will double your Strength Modifier for unarmed strikes or thrown attacks, giving you a significant increase in power when using the Returning Pike. To further enhance your effectiveness, focus on increasing your STR modifier as much as you can.
karlach throw - The best way to go about this is to obtain the Hag's Hair from Auntie Ethel during her boss fight, and use it to improve STR +1, then on your next Feat, take Ability Improvement and select STR +2
To maximize your strength in the game, start by getting the Hag's Hair from Auntie Ethel during her boss fight. This will boost your STR by +1. Next, when you reach your next Feat, choose Ability Improvement and focus on increasing your STR by +2. By doing this, you will reach the maximum STR of 20, which will be sufficient for most of your gameplay. Later on, you will have the opportunity to acquire Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength, which will further increase your STR modifier to 22.
Turn 1
In your first turn of combat as a Berserker Barbarian, you can use your Extra Attack feature to make two weapon attacks. This allows you to deal more damage to your enemies and potentially take them out quicker. Additionally, you can utilize your Rage ability to gain advantage on Strength checks and saving throws, as well as dealing extra damage with your weapon attacks. This combination of abilities makes you a formidable force on the battlefield.
Bonus Action Frenzy (Rage)
Action - Throw (Returning Pike)\
Action - Throw (Returning Pike)
Action Surge
Action - Throw (Returning Pike)
Action - Throw (Returning Pike)
Turn 2
Bonus Action Enraged Throw (Ranged throw attack using Returning Pike)
Action - Throw (Returning Pike)
Action - Throw (Returning Pike)
Extra Attack allows your Berserker Barbarian to use the Throw Action twice per turn starting at Level 5. Additionally, you can make a third thrown Attack with Bonus Action Enraged Throw. With Tavern Brawler increasing damage, this build becomes a high-damage-dealing tank that can fight effectively at different ranges. Action Surge lets you make five attacks on your first turn, giving your party a strong advantage in combat.
To enhance this build even further, consider taking 4 levels in Rogue with the Thief Subclass, followed by one last level in Barbarian. This will make your build 6 Barbarian/2 Fighter/4 Rogue. The additional Bonus Action from Thief allows you to throw an extra Enraged Throw each turn, changing your playstyle significantly.
Turn 1
Bonus Action Frenzy (Rage)
Action - Throw (Returning Pike)
Action - Throw (Returning Pike)
Action Surge
Action - Throw (Returning Pike)
Action - Throw (Returning Pike)
Bonus Action Enraged Throw (Returning Pike)
Turn 2
Bonus Action Enraged Throw (Returning Pike)
Bonus Action Enraged Throw (Returning Pike)
Action - Throw (Returning Pike)
Action - Throw (Returning Pike)
Editor's P/S:
The article provides a comprehensive guide to acquiring and utilizing the Returning Pike in Baldur's Gate 3. It effectively conveys the weapon's unique attributes and explains how it can be integrated into various character builds. The detailed instructions on obtaining the Returning Pike ensure that readers can easily locate and add it to their arsenal.
Furthermore, the article offers valuable insights into optimizing the weapon's potential by combining it with specific character classes and abilities. The recommended Berserker Barbarian build, with its focus on strength and Tavern Brawler feat, showcases how the Returning Pike can become a devastating weapon in close combat. The inclusion of a sample turn-by-turn strategy demonstrates the build's effectiveness and provides readers with practical guidance on how to utilize the weapon effectively in battle. Overall, the article is well-written, informative, and provides valuable information for players seeking to maximize their gameplay experience with the Returning Pike.