Mastering the Art of Flight in Baldur's Gate 3

Mastering the Art of Flight in Baldur's Gate 3

Unlock the power of flight and soar through the skies in Baldur's Gate 3. Learn how to utilize the Grant Flight spell and navigate the aerial battlefield with ease.

Introduction to Flight

Baldur's Gate 3, a game that brings the rich complexity of Dungeon & Dragons to the digital realm, offers a multitude of ways to approach challenges. One such method is the ability to take flight, a game-changing feature that allows players to access inaccessible areas and gain a tactical advantage in combat. In this guide, we will delve into the intricacies of mastering flight in Baldur's Gate 3, providing you with the knowledge to elevate your gameplay experience.

Unlocking the Grant Flight Spell

The key to achieving flight in Baldur's Gate 3 lies in the Grant Flight spell, a powerful Level 3 transmutation spell that bestows temporary flight upon characters. Initially targeting a single character, the spell can be upgraded to extend its effects to additional allies, allowing for a coordinated airborne assault. The duration of flight lasts for 10 turns, offering ample time to capitalize on the aerial advantage.

Learning the Grant Flight spell is a pivotal step in mastering aerial mobility. Level 5 sorcerers, warlocks, wizards, and druids can acquire this spell, while bards can access it through the College of Lore subclass at Level 6 or 10. Additionally, the discovery of Scrolls of Grant Flight presents an alternative path to obtaining this essential ability. Wizards, in particular, can directly learn spells from these scrolls, providing a valuable opportunity to rectify any missed spell acquisitions.

Utilizing the Power of Flight

Upon acquiring the Grant Flight spell, the next step is to integrate it into your character's repertoire. By accessing the Spellbook, the spell can be assigned to the character and readied for use. On PC, the spell can be seamlessly added to the hotbar, while console versions feature the inclusion of spells in the character's radial menu. Ensuring the availability of a Level 3 spell slot or higher is essential to casting the Grant Flight spell, granting the chosen character the ability to take flight.

With the ability to fly at your disposal, strategic maneuvering in combat scenarios becomes a reality. Whether it's outmaneuvering adversaries or navigating treacherous terrain, the Fly action becomes an indispensable tool for gaining the upper hand. By leveraging flight, players can exploit verticality and access aerial vantage points, fundamentally altering the dynamics of engagement.