Mastering Fortnite: Ultimate Guide to Painless Navigation from Kenjutsu Crossing to Knotty Nets!

Mastering Fortnite: Ultimate Guide to Painless Navigation from Kenjutsu Crossing to Knotty Nets!

Unlock the Dune Scooper pickaxe by mastering the art of traversing from Kenjutsu Crossing to Knotty Nets without a single splash - here's your ultimate guide!

The Fortnite Battle Pass offers players various skins that can be unlocked by leveling up. However, there are additional cosmetics that can only be obtained by completing specific quests. In Chapter 4 Season 3 Battle Pass, players can earn the Purradise Meowscles skin and other cosmetics by successfully completing related quests.

This guide will show players how to reach Knotty Nets from Kenjutsu Crossing without touching the water, allowing them to complete the quest and unlock an alternative style for Purradise Meowscles's Dune Scooper harvesting tool in Fortnite.

Dune Scooper Pickaxe

Mastering Fortnite: Ultimate Guide to Painless Navigation from Kenjutsu Crossing to Knotty Nets!

The Dune Scooper pickaxe is an exclusive cosmetic item found in the Chapter 4 Season 3 Battle Pass. To obtain this harvesting tool, players must complete nine quests from Week 3 and 4 of the Battle Pass. It can be found in the Battle Pass bonus reward tab.

The Dune Scooper harvesting tool has a unique Clawesome style. To acquire this style, players must first unlock the Purradise Meowscles skin and reach the second page of Meowscles's Battle Pass tab. From there, they must successfully navigate from Kenjutsu Crossing to Knotty Nets without coming into contact with any water. This will unlock the Clawesome alternative style.

How to Travel from Kenjutsu Crossing to Knotty Nets Without Touching Water

Mastering Fortnite: Ultimate Guide to Painless Navigation from Kenjutsu Crossing to Knotty Nets!

Kenjutsu Crossing is located just 400 meters from Knotty Nets, ensuring that gamers won't face any significant difficulties while making the trip. In the unlikely event that they encounter an enemy along the way and get eliminated, they can easily give it another shot in the next match.

Mastering Fortnite: Ultimate Guide to Painless Navigation from Kenjutsu Crossing to Knotty Nets!

The Knotty Nets POI is located on a petite island, completely detached from the mainland. After departing from the Kenjutsu Crossing area, players will encounter no water-related hurdles until their exploration of the Marine Monoliths.

Mastering Fortnite: Ultimate Guide to Painless Navigation from Kenjutsu Crossing to Knotty Nets!

To efficiently travel from Kenjutsu Crossing to Knotty Nets without getting soaked, the recommended option is to utilize the zipline located on the hill adjacent to the water, in the northeastern vicinity of Marine Monoliths. By taking this zipline, players will swiftly arrive in the southern region of Knotty Nets, successfully concluding the challenge upon disembarking.

Alternatively, players who enjoy the build mode feature can gather wood from the surrounding trees to construct a bridge that will transport them to Knotty Nets.

As soon as gamers leave the game, the Clawesome style for the Dune Scooper pickaxe will be in their locker.

Fortnite is available now on Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.