Mastering Damage Types in Baldur's Gate 3: A Comprehensive Guide

Mastering Damage Types in Baldur's Gate 3: A Comprehensive Guide

Unravel the intricate world of Baldur's Gate 3 with 13 formidable damage types Unveil the secrets behind Resistances, Immunities, and Vulnerabilities to unlock the path to triumph

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Resistances, Immunities, and Vulnerabilities












Baldur's Gate 3 utilizes the game mechanics from the Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition tabletop roleplaying system. Within this system, the damage system categorizes all potential sources of harm into 13 distinct categories.

Understanding this is crucial because every creature and object in Baldur's Gate 3 may react differently to each specific type of damage. For example, a magma mephit consists of intensely heated stone, rendering fire damage ineffective against them. To optimize their damage output, players should carefully consider the types of damage they are inflicting and observe how their targets react to each damage type.

Resistances, Immunities, and Vulnerabilities

Mastering Damage Types in Baldur's Gate 3: A Comprehensive Guide

The character sheet is often an underrated resource that many players tend to overlook. By opening the interaction menu (right-click on PC) and selecting "Examine," players can access valuable information such as the creature's ability scores, current conditions, and resistances.

If a creature does not have any resistances listed, it implies that it does not possess any unique reaction to any form of damage. However, if a damage type is present on this list, it indicates that the creature has either a resistance, an immunity, or a vulnerability towards that specific type of damage.

Resistance is indicated by a blue or white upward-pointing arrow. This symbol signifies that the creature or object is able to withstand damage from non-magical sources to some extent. If both colors are present, it means that the entity possesses the ability to resist damage from all sources, whether magical or non-magical. When a creature has resistance, it only takes half the usual amount of damage from the specified type.

On the other hand, immunity is denoted by a golden outline surrounding the damage type. If a creature is immune, it means that it is completely impervious to any damage originating from the specified source.

When a creature has a vulnerability, it is represented by a red arrow pointing downward. Vulnerable creatures sustain twice the usual amount of damage from the specified source.

For instance, in the given image, the creature named Grym exhibits a unique reaction to every damage type in the game. It possesses immunity to Fire, Lightning, Necrotic, Psychic, Poison, and Radiant damage. Additionally, it has resistance against Slashing, Piercing, Acid, Thunder, Cold, and Force damage. However, it is also vulnerable to Bludgeoning damage.


Mastering Damage Types in Baldur's Gate 3: A Comprehensive Guide

Baldur's Gate 3 categorizes damage from physical sources into three types: Slashing, which originates from edged and raking weapons, Piercing, which comes from sharp, thrusting weapons, and Bludgeoning, which stems from blunt weapons. Although most creatures react similarly to all three types of weapons, there are a few exceptions, such as Grym, who have specific responses to a particular type of damage.

Certain formidable creatures possess resistance against damage inflicted by non-magical weapons but are vulnerable to full damage when attacked with magic weapons. A magic weapon encompasses those with special enchantments, a warlock's Pact of the Blade weapon, a monk's unarmed attacks (starting at level six), and more. By the time players reach level three or four, they should have no difficulty procuring magic weapons.


Mastering Damage Types in Baldur's Gate 3: A Comprehensive Guide

The remaining 10 damage types are primarily elemental and primarily originate from magical sources such as spells, enchantments, and alchemy. Among the 10 elements, Fire is the most frequently encountered. Flame Bolt, a cantrip available to Sorcerers and Wizards, inflicts d10 damage without any additional effects. Produce Flame, on the other hand, can be obtained by Druids and Clerics. It not only produces light but can also be thrown to cause minor damage from Fire.

Regrettably, Fire resistance is almost as prevalent as fire itself. Many demons and devils possess resistance to Fire, and fire elementals are entirely immune to the element. Additionally, Fire effects can ignite the ground, inflicting Fire damage upon those standing on it. Nonetheless, the flames eventually diminish and leave behind remnants of ash.


Mastering Damage Types in Baldur's Gate 3: A Comprehensive Guide


: The occurrence of Cold is nearly as widespread as Fire, and likewise are the multitude of beings capable of withstanding its effects. Ray of Frost, a cantrip commonly employed by Sorcerers and Wizards, inflicts a d8 worth of damage while simultaneously diminishing the target's movement speed by 10 feet. The manifestation of cold spells engenders icy patches, which have the potential to cause creatures to stumble and fall prone until the ice eventually melts.

Mastering Damage Types in Baldur's Gate 3: A Comprehensive Guide

Compared to Fire and Cold, acid has fewer creatures that resist it. However, wielding this element can pose a great danger. Both Sorcerers and Wizards have access to the Acid cantrip, Acid Splash. Although it deals only a d6 of damage, it requires a Dexterity save instead of an attack roll, making it versatile enough to hit adjacent creatures. Acid spells also have the additional feature of creating acid pools that can harm creatures. Unlike most surface types, acid can persist if not washed away with blood or water.


Mastering Damage Types in Baldur's Gate 3: A Comprehensive Guide


Lightning is a form of electricity that can be used to harm enemies, although it is quite common for enemies to have resistance against it. Sorcerers and Wizards can conveniently utilize Shocking Grasp to inflict Lightning damage. This spell inflicts damage equivalent to a d8, and even though it is a melee spell, it hinders the target from reacting. This allows the spellcaster to retreat safely. Lightning spells have the ability to electrify water surfaces, but they do not have any other regional effects.

Mastering Damage Types in Baldur's Gate 3: A Comprehensive Guide

In Baldur's Gate 3, poison is widely encountered as the most prevalent form of resistance and immunity. Constructed beings, elementals, and undead creatures possess complete immunity to poison, just like demons and devils. On a positive note, the cantrip Poison Spray, accessible to Druids, Warlocks, Sorcerers, and Wizards, inflicts a d12 worth of damage. However, its range is limited to 10 feet, rather than the standard 60 feet.


Mastering Damage Types in Baldur's Gate 3: A Comprehensive Guide

Poison resistance is readily available, whereas Thunder damage resistance is extremely rare among creatures and objects. Thunder damage specifically refers to the destructive force unleashed by shockwaves, leaving even solid objects susceptible to its effects.

Regrettably, cantrips within the game do not inflict Thunder damage. Nevertheless, players can obtain consistent access to this uncommon damage type by utilizing first-level spells such as Thunderwave and Chromatic Orb.


Mastering Damage Types in Baldur's Gate 3: A Comprehensive Guide


Force resistance is less common compared to Thunder resistance. It refers to a unique form of resistance where magic causes direct physical harm to a creature or object. Among cantrips, only the Warlock's Eldritch Blast inflicts pure Force damage. However, other classes can acquire this type of damage through spells such as Magic Missile and Spiritual Weapon.

Mastering Damage Types in Baldur's Gate 3: A Comprehensive Guide

Psychic damage directly targets the mind, rendering it ineffective against inanimate objects and mindless entities. Among spellcasters, Bards possess a cantrip called Vicious Mockery, the sole spell in their repertoire capable of inflicting psychic damage. Although its power is limited to a d4 of damage, a successful casting forces the target to make a Wisdom save, and if unsuccessful, incurs disadvantage on their subsequent attack. Additionally, Bards can expand their arsenal by mastering Dissonant Whispers, a first-level spell capable of inducing fear in the targeted creature.

In general, spells that inflict psychic damage are relatively less detrimental compared to other spells, yet they possess the added advantage of applying beneficial status effects. Moreover, mind flayers are known for their ability to cause psychic damage, and party members who enhance the power of their tadpole will unlock additional avenues to unleash this specific type of damage.


Mastering Damage Types in Baldur's Gate 3: A Comprehensive Guide

Regularly, only Clerics and Paladins possess the ability to inflict Radiant damage. By employing the cantrip Sacred Flame, Clerics can deliver a d8 worth of damage, requiring adversaries to make a Dexterity save. Radiant damage proves effective against numerous creatures, with particular susceptibility observed among undead creatures.


Mastering Damage Types in Baldur's Gate 3: A Comprehensive Guide

Necrotic damage, the embodiment of death's power, is ineffective against objects and constructs, as well as the undead. However, it proves formidable against demons, devils, and elementals. The Bone Chill cantrip inflicts d8 damage and hinders the target's healing abilities for the next round. Sorcerers, Warlocks, and Wizards all possess the ability to cast this spell.

In general, it is advisable for players to have either a Sorcerer or Wizard capable of dealing elemental damage in their group. Additionally, it is wise to ensure the presence of at least two damaging cantrips, as a backup option in case one fails. Nevertheless, a melee character equipped with a magical weapon can pose a threat to almost any enemy encountered. Therefore, it is essential for the party's frontline to be fully prepared for combat.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available now on macOS and PC.