Master Zelda: Crush Korok Puzzles with Ultrahand Trick

Unlock the secrets of Korok rock puzzles with a genius trick in Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom A player has discovered the power of the Ultrahand ability, making these puzzles a breeze Discover the strategy that will have you breezing through Hyrule in no time
A player of Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has discovered a brilliant trick to make solving Korok rock puzzles significantly easier. Despite being released in May, players are still discovering unique solutions to the many puzzles scattered throughout Hyrule. This particular Korok strategy, however, could prove to be invaluable on multiple occasions.
Thanks to the introduction of building and the Fuse mechanic, long-time fans of the Zelda franchise have been able to explore new possibilities within the game. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom boasts an array of items that can be combined for varying results, with some being particularly useful for creating stronger weapons. This particular trick, however, has the potential to be a game changer.
Many players of Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom may find themselves struggling with the Korok Seed grind, specifically the stone puzzles associated with it. However, Reddit user RobBellOriginal has recently shared a clip showcasing a useful trick for completing these puzzles. Approaching a nearly finished circle of stones, the player swaps their stone mallet with a sword before using the Ultrahand ability on the stone mallet to move it in line with the others and complete the circle, summoning a Korok and earning a seed as a reward.
While some players may scavenge the area for rocks to complete these puzzles, it is possible for Tears of the Kingdom players to create their own stone equipment fairly early on in the game. This makes finding the necessary materials relatively easy, although a stone will still be required. As the weapon used in RobBellOriginal's clip doubles as a rock, it may be beneficial for players to carry one with them in case of a shortage of stones near the next puzzle.
RobBellOriginal stated that their video was a test to showcase how to solve the stone Korok puzzle in a unique way. Their creativity and ingenuity paid off on the first attempt. It is worth noting that although Breath of the Wild has other Korok Seeds hidden behind stone challenges that could have used RobBellOriginal's technique if the game had Ultrahand, it is currently unknown if the method can be applied to other Korok-related activities. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is now available for the Nintendo Switch.