Master Venti Card and Dominate in Genshin Impact's Invokation TCG

Master Venti Card and Dominate in Genshin Impact's Invokation TCG

Maximize your Genshin Impact gameplay with Venti's versatile Elemental Skill, perfect for dice management and quick team swaps Unlock the potential of Venti's Talent Card, Embrace of Winds, and build your best decks with recommended combinations like Venti + Xiao + Shenhe and Venti + Ayaka + Ayato Don't forget to add the right Action Cards for ultimate success

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Revamping Venti Card Strategies in Genius Invokation TCG

Genius Invokation TCG is a popular in-game strategy minigame in Genshin Impact that is enjoyed by a plethora of NPCs and playable characters, including archons, in the realm of Teyvat. It has been available to players since patch 3.3, and with the introduction of the 3.7 update, players can now look forward to a new set of challenges and a wide range of new cards. These new cards aim to bring more variety and strategy to the game's already strong decks, with some of them already changing the meta of the TCG. The unique and powerful benefits provided by these cards have made some players rethink their Venti card strategies and combos.

Venti Card & Skills

While the patch brought excitement for various additions, such as Kirara, a new character, fans of TCG also got to enjoy playing with new character cards, including the four archons from Teyvat. Venti, among them, has a unique set of abilities that add to the gameplay experience. It's noteworthy that Venti's TCG set doesn't entirely match his playstyle in Genshin Impact due to the differences in crowd control mechanics in the Genius Invokation TCG. Nevertheless, players can still expect a thrilling gameplay experience, especially in teams that rely on quick swaps.

Master Venti Card and Dominate in Genshin Impact's Invokation TCG

Players who have unlocked the TCG can easily access Venti's Character and Talent cards without any additional requirements in the latest patch. Despite the addition of a wide variety of cards, the process to obtain Venti's cards remains the same. By using a Match Invitation Letter, players can invite Venti to duel and complete each objective to obtain his cards. Unlike some other characters such as Cyno, obtaining Venti's card does not have any Duelist level requirements.

Normal Attack: Divine Marksmanship

Primary Dice

1 Anemo

Secondary Dice

2 Unaligned


Deals 2 Physical DMG.

Elemental Skill: Skyward Sonnet

Primary Dice

3 Anemo


Deals 2 Anemo DMG, creates 1 Stormzone.

Special Effect


When you perform "Switch Character": Spend 1 less Elemental Die. Usage(s): 2

Elemental Burst: Wind's Grand Ode

Primary Dice

3 Anemo

Energy Cost

2 Energy


Deals 2 Anemo DMG, summons 1 Stormeye.

Special Effect


End Phase: Deal 2 Anemo DMG. Your opponent switches to: Character Closest to Your Current Active Character. Usage(s): 2 After your character or Summon triggers a Swirl reaction: Convert the Elemental Type of this card and change its DMG dealt to the element Swirled. (Can only be converted once before leaving the field)

Venti's Talent Card: Embrace of Winds

Master Venti Card and Dominate in Genshin Impact's Invokation TCG

After using Venti's Elemental Skill, his Talent Card reduces the consumption of one unaligned dice for his next attack. This not only simplifies dice management but also allows for easy character switching while the Stormzone is active. With a bit of luck, players may even activate Venti's burst in the first round. By using his Elemental Skill followed by a Normal Attack to gain 2 energy, Venti can still have sufficient dice to activate his burst. Moreover, players can switch to the next character without using a die, giving them a considerable advantage in the second round and making their combos more effective. Therefore, it is highly recommended to add Venti's Talent Card to the action card roster.

Best Venti Decks

Venti's versatility as a support character makes him a valuable addition to most decks. His ability to disrupt opponents' combos while dealing significant damage is especially useful for players seeking to gain an edge in battle. Quick swap decks in particular benefit from his elemental skill, which eliminates the cost of swapping characters. Pairing Venti with another Anemo character such as Jean or Xiao can also activate the Elemental Resonance: Impetuous Winds card, resulting in even faster character swaps. Starting the combo with Venti allows for better management of dice rolls, making it a recommended strategy for most team compositions.

Venti + Xiao + Shenhe

Master Venti Card and Dominate in Genshin Impact's Invokation TCG

This team composition offers a straightforward combo strategy and packs a punch with high damage potential. Venti's summoned creatures can disrupt opponents' combos and add extra Swirl damage, while Shenhe's summon can increase the power of both Venti and Xiao by boosting Cryo-infused Swirl reactions. To maximize the combo potential, players should switch to Shenhe after using Venti's skill to ensure her Icy Quill is ready, providing an additional 1 DMG to Cryo-infused Swirls. The Cryo element also proves useful against popular characters like Kokomi or Xingqiu, who may Freeze themselves upon applying Hydro to themselves and further interrupt opponents' combos.

Venti + Ayaka + Ayato

Master Venti Card and Dominate in Genshin Impact's Invokation TCG

Gamers who adore using a stall deck and triggering the Freeze reaction with the Kamisato siblings will find great pleasure in this character combination. With Venti around, swapping between these characters becomes more effective, and his swirls enable consistent application of Hydro or Cryo without the requirement of frequent character swaps.

Venti + Raiden Shogun + Nahida

Utilizing Venti's ability to freeze opponents and force swaps with each swirl can prove to be a formidable tactic against the opposing team. However, it is important to consider the makeup of your deck and include a dice management card such as A Thousand Floating Dreams, especially if two Inazuma characters are present. This will help ensure a smooth and successful execution of the strategy.

Master Venti Card and Dominate in Genshin Impact's Invokation TCG

For players looking for a complete Archon deck, combining Venti with Raiden Shogun and Nahida is a solid option. While Raiden Shogun typically aids Venti in quickly accessing his burst, in this case, starting with Venti could prove more beneficial due to easier dice management. After unleashing Venti's burst, players can switch to Raiden Shogun to activate her Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst before swapping to Nahida. This combination not only makes it easier to trigger elemental reactions frequently due to Venti's Electro-infused swirl spreading the application to all enemies, but it also consistently activates bursts thanks to Raiden Shogun's ability to grant full energy to Nahida and Venti for their bursts.

Master Venti Card and Dominate in Genshin Impact's Invokation TCG

When playing as Venti, players can focus on enhancing the strength of other characters in their team through Weapon and Artifact equipment cards, as Venti's utility doesn't require additional cards. However, it's important to include food cards for HP and dice management cards like Timmie, Varanara, or The Bestest Travel Companion for maximum value. Players can skip cards that reduce character swapping costs like Changing Shifts or Dawn Winery when using Venti, but using cards like Leave it to Me! or Katheryne for fast character swaps can still be beneficial, especially if there aren't two Anemo characters in the deck.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.