Master the Shadows: Ultimate Baldur's Gate 3 Stealth Guide Unveiled!

Master the Shadows: Ultimate Baldur's Gate 3 Stealth Guide Unveiled!

Become an unstoppable stealthy force in Baldur's Gate 3 with this clever tip! Enhance your combat strategy as a stealth-minded adventurer with a quick and easy trick shared by a player Dominate combat scenarios with ease!


Starting combat in full stealth can be extremely helpful in Baldur's Gate 3, allowing players to set up the battle in their favor and potentially avoid a party wipe.

To stealth the entire party, players can use the hotkey Shift+C or hold down on the D-pad for controller users. This mechanic may have gone unnoticed by some players. Advanced players have the ability to divide the party into subgroups by pressing G. This can offer positional advantages and strategic opportunities in combat scenarios.

A Baldur's Gate 3 player has a valuable tip for struggling adventurers. The full launch of Baldur's Gate 3 on PC has brought in a large number of new players who may find the complexities of the Dungeons and Dragons game overwhelming. Understanding the mechanics of combat is not an easy task, and it may take some time to grasp all the intricacies introduced by Larian Studios. However, this trick, which allows Baldur's Gate 3 players to swiftly enter stealth as a group, can potentially save players' parties.

Players are encouraged to approach combat scenarios in Dungeons and Dragons with creativity. It is possible to engage in combat without a strategic plan if that aligns with the party's nature. However, other parties may find it more advantageous to attempt negotiation or other tactics first. Baldur's Gate 3 tries to recreate this experience, although it is more structured. One aspect that has been retained is the concept of stealth, although some players may not be familiar with it.

A Reddit post that has gained significant attention shares a useful tip for new players of Baldur's Gate 3. The post's title, "PSA: You can steal your entire party by pressing Shift+C," explains this tip concisely. One comment highlights that this can also be done by holding down on the D-pad for controller users. Many players may not have been aware of this option, making it a valuable mechanic in the game.

The importance of starting a combat scenario in full stealth cannot be overstated in Baldur's Gate 3. It provides players with an opportunity to strategically prepare for combat, offering an advantage that non-stealthy players may be missing out on. Given the challenging nature of combat in Baldur's Gate 3, this advantage can mean the difference between surviving and a complete party defeat.

In Baldur's Gate 3, players have the option to utilize a more advanced strategy by pressing the G key to split their party into subgroups. This allows for the formation of stealthier character combinations, enabling players to gain positional advantages that a larger party might fail to accomplish. Executing a strategy where a rogue infiltrates the enemy's backline before a heavily armored dwarf paladin compromises their stealth can be highly effective.

It could be considered a reasonable critique that many Baldur's Gate 3 players may be unaware of this straightforward hotkey and the mechanics it conceals. With a multitude of buttons to remember and a potentially overwhelming user interface, the overall gameplay experience may suffer. Conversely, some argue that familiarizing oneself with the idiosyncrasies of a complex CRPG like Baldur's Gate 3 is an integral part of the overall experience and removing these intricacies would diminish the game's appeal. Ultimately, Baldur's Gate 3 players must decide for themselves.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available now on PC, with a PS5 release on September 6 and an Xbox launch to follow.