Master the Mind: Unveiling the Ultimate Brain Puzzle Solutions in Baldur's Gate 3

Master the Mind: Unveiling the Ultimate Brain Puzzle Solutions in Baldur's Gate 3

Unveil the enigmatic secrets of the Mind Flayer Colony in Baldur's Gate 3 through an extraordinary brain puzzle Discover the ultimate reward that awaits those who can crack this perplexing challenge Embark on a thrilling quest of intellect and cunning in this immersive gaming experience

Deep below the towering structure of Moonrise Towers lies the enigmatic enclave known as the Mind Flayer Colony – a domain shrouded in secrecy. Within this hidden realm, adventurers participating in the thrilling world of Baldur's Gate 3 have the opportunity to unravel the intricate web of a conspiracy that threatens to annihilate the city.

As players navigate through treacherous battles and intricate passageways, they will chance upon a unique and intriguing puzzle that guards one of the colony's well-kept secrets. This peculiar connect-the-dots challenge presents a formidable test of wits, leaving many players grappling with its solution. To aid aspiring adventurers, this guide endeavors to demystify the puzzle and shed light on why the pursuit of its resolution is well worth it.

How to Play the Brain Game in Baldur's Gate 3

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The brain puzzle can be found in the southeast corner of the Mind Flayer Colony. It is located beyond the Necrotic Laboratory area, requiring players to make two jumps in order to reach it.

To activate the puzzle, players simply need to approach the console near the circular chasm and agree to begin manipulating a captive mind. This will cause several transparent nodes to appear in front, connecting themselves to the speaker's head. If the speaker moves away from the console, the puzzle will deactivate, but interacting with the node will reactivate it. The game follows the following rules:

The objective of this game is to link the player's Memory, Emotion, Speech, and Reason nodes with corresponding nodes on the opposite end of the field.

In order to establish these connections, players are required to construct a pathway of generic nodes that connect both mental regions on each side.

A generic node can only be connected to a single brain region at any given time, thereby prohibiting any overlap or intersection among the four paths.

Reason and Emotion occupy the top and bottom positions on opposite ends of the field, while Speech and Memory undergo a switch in their respective sides.

To establish a pathway, players should first select a mental node located on the player side, and subsequently choose a connected node. The selected node will undergo a color change, signifying its status as the active node. By repeating this process of selecting connected nodes, players can extend their pathway. If necessary, players have the option to remove a pathway by selecting the previous node in the chain and interacting with the main node to reset the puzzle.

For a comprehensive solution to the puzzle, players are encouraged to watch the video provided above. However, if players prefer to solve the puzzle independently, a helpful tip is to commence from the distant end and progress backwards.

The Reward for Solving BG3 Brain Puzzle

Master the Mind: Unveiling the Ultimate Brain Puzzle Solutions in Baldur's Gate 3

Connecting the correct nodes will unlock the door on the opposite end of the room. On the far side, three captivating objects await.

A mural telepathically relays a portion of the mind flayers' history directly to the minds of the party members.

Waking Mind, a brain jar, rests on the ground, poised to be inserted into the nearby Mind-Archive Interface.

The Blade of Oppressed Souls is an enchanted longsword, boasting a +1 bonus to attack and inflicting an additional 1d4 Psychic damage upon impact.

The brain puzzle is ultimately optional, but the rewards are worth the effort it takes to solve.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available now on macOS and PC and will be available on PS5 on September 6.