Master the Challenge: Transport Over a Dozen Koroks with Zelda's Tears of the Kingdom

Master the Challenge: Transport Over a Dozen Koroks with Zelda's Tears of the Kingdom

Watch in awe as a player in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom displays their strategic skills by transporting over a dozen Koroks simultaneously in this thrilling action-RPG adventure

A player in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has discovered a clever method to transport a dozen Koroks simultaneously in the Nintendo Switch action-RPG. These Korok quests are often considered tedious by fans of the game, so any method to simplify the process is sure to be of interest to players. Nintendo had previously indicated that interacting with Koroks in Tears of the Kingdom would be a unique experience compared to previous games in the series. However, player reactions to the creatures have been mixed since the game's release. While some have taken pleasure in tormenting the Koroks, this particular player prioritized convenience in their approach to transporting them around the vast world of Hyrule.

A Reddit user going by the name of throwaway_UVA recently shared a clip of their The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom gameplay where they can be seen moving a group of Koroks around. The video features Link driving a large wagon with about a dozen Koroks attached to it, and the experience is made even more entertaining with the flavor text that appears on screen. However, throwaway_UVA's boyfriend disagreed with their approach, suggesting it wasn't the right way to play the game. Despite this, many other players on the Reddit thread found the clip amusing and shared their own experiences of moving Koroks around in the game. Some even joked about imaginary immigration laws that the Koroks may have crossed while others offered tips on how to reunite these creatures with their friends in more innovative ways.

Players appear to be thoroughly enjoying tormenting Koroks in Tears of the Kingdom, despite the monotonous and wearisome nature of the activity. Regardless of the approach taken to accomplish the task, it is hoped that gamers will continue to work towards reuniting the wayward Koroks with their companions within the game. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom can be accessed on the Nintendo Switch platform.