Master the Art of Tactical Mastery in Genshin Impact: Unleash Tartaglia's Power and Unlock the Ultimate Decks

Master the Art of Tactical Mastery in Genshin Impact: Unleash Tartaglia's Power and Unlock the Ultimate Decks

Unlock the true potential of Tartaglia in Genshin Impact's Genius Invokation TCG! With a unique gameplay style, Tartaglia becomes a formidable force when used correctly Explore his devastating skills like Cutting Torrent and Foul Legacy: Raging Tide Build the best decks including powerful combos like Tartaglia + Xiangling + Bennett or Tartaglia + Raiden Shogun + Beidou Dominate the battlefield with Tartaglia and his allies!

As the Sumeru Arc in Genshin Impact comes to a close, players are eagerly awaiting the 3.8 and 4.0 updates, which will provide more information about the Fontaine region. While the 3.7 update introduces the Fontaine region and new playable characters like Charlotte, the focus is primarily on other additions to the game, such as the introduction of Kirara, a new Dendro character from Inazuma. However, the main highlight of the update is the expansion of the Genius Invokation TCG. While some fans may be slightly disappointed with certain aspects of the update, TCG enthusiasts are thrilled with the abundance of new cards, which have the potential to change the meta game and allow for creative combinations and strategies.

One of the newly added playable character cards in this patch is Tartaglia, also known as Childe within the Genshin Impact community. Previously, the Ayato card was introduced, offering players the chance to focus on a Hydro DPS character and build their team around them. With the inclusion of the Tartaglia card, players now have another option for incorporating Hydro DPS into their team compositions. It is worth mentioning that Tartaglia's skill set closely resembles his playstyle in the game, but it may be challenging to utilize in the TCG due to his ability to switch stances and deal significant damage based on his current form.

Tartaglia Card & Skills

Master the Art of Tactical Mastery in Genshin Impact: Unleash Tartaglia's Power and Unlock the Ultimate Decks

Normal Attack: Cutting Torrent

Acquiring Tartaglia's card can be effortlessly achieved, mirroring the acquisition process for other character cards in the game. By extending an invitation to him for a Friendly Fracas duel at the Cat's Tail using a Match invitation letter, players can conveniently obtain his card. Moreover, players need to fulfill specific additional objectives in order to acquire Tartaglia's Talent card. This accessibility ensures that even new players can readily access and pair Tartaglia with their favorite characters from the game's existing roster.

Primary Dice

1 Hydro

Secondary Dice

2 Unaligned


Deals 2 Physical DMG.

Elemental Skill: Foul Legacy: Raging Tide

Primary Dice

3 Hydro


Switches to Melee Stance and deals 2 Hydro DMG.

Special Effect

Melee Stance

Physical DMG dealt by character is converted to Hydro DMG. After the character uses Charged Attack: Apply Riptide to target character. Character deals +1 DMG to target characters with Riptide attached. After Skills are used against characters affected by Riptide: Deal 1 Piercing DMG to the next opposing off-field character. (Twice per Round) Duration (Rounds): 2

Elemental Burst: Havoc: Obliteration

Primary Dice

3 Hydro

Energy Cost

3 Energy


Performs different attacks based on the current stance that Tartaglia is in. Ranged Stance - Deal 4 Hydro DMG, reclaim 2 Energy, and apply Riptide to the target character. Melee Stance - Deal 7 Hydro DMG.

Special Effect


When the character to which this is attached is defeated: Apply Riptide to active character. (When Tartaglia is in Melee Stance, he will deal additional DMG when attacking the character to which this is attached) Duration (Rounds): 2

Passive Skill: Tide Withholder


(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains Ranged Stance. Once the Melee Stance attached to the character ends, reapplies Ranged Stance. Ranged Stance After using a Charged Attack: Apply Riptide to target character.

Special Effect

Ranged Stance

After the character to which this is attached uses Charged Attack: Apply Riptide to target character.

Tartaglia's Talent Card: Abyssal Mayhem: Hydrospout

Master the Art of Tactical Mastery in Genshin Impact: Unleash Tartaglia's Power and Unlock the Ultimate Decks

In order to maximize Tartaglia's potential, players must ensure that all opponents are affected by Riptide. This will allow for additional piercing damage to be dealt at its maximum extent. Utilizing this talent card provides a unique opportunity to gradually chip away at the HP points of multiple enemies, even those with a defensive stance. The piercing damage synergizes well with Tartaglia's Melee stance, further enhancing its effectiveness. It is important to note that setting up Tartaglia for significant damage does require some time. Therefore, it is advisable for players to exercise patience and not immediately activate this card. Instead, it is recommended to first apply Riptide with a charged attack in either the melee or ranged form, and then trigger the talent card.

Best Tartaglia Decks

In order to fully grasp Tartaglia's kit and make the most of his abilities, it is important to understand the nuances between his ranged and melee stances. His Melee stance is particularly valuable because it not only consistently applies Hydro, but it also delivers significantly higher damage when using the Elemental Burst. However, both stances allow Tartaglia to apply Riptide, which offers its own advantages. Depending on the luck of the dice elements, players can choose which stance to utilize. To enhance Tartaglia's damage potential through elemental reactions and other benefits, players can strategically pair him with different characters based on their preferences. It's worth noting that Tartaglia works best when swapped in after other characters have used their abilities, maximizing the team's utility and creating optimal combo rotations.

Tartaglia + Xiangling + Bennett

Master the Art of Tactical Mastery in Genshin Impact: Unleash Tartaglia's Power and Unlock the Ultimate Decks

To consistently deal significant damage with the Vaporize reaction and potentially one-shot enemies, players can rely on a team composition combining Tartaglia, Xiangling, and Bennett. Xiangling excels at applying off-field Pyro effects with her Elemental Skill, summoning Guoba, and her Elemental Burst, which deals additional Pyro damage after a skill is used. Bennett can assist by applying more Pyro effects and providing healing or increasing damage output with his Elemental Burst.

This synergy between Xiangling and Bennett allows Tartaglia to focus solely on dealing substantial damage with his Elemental Skill. It is advisable for Tartaglia to use his skill as often as possible, also utilizing charged attacks on opponents who haven't been affected by Riptide for additional piercing damage. This team composition greatly benefits from Tartaglia's talent, allowing him to defeat enemies effortlessly even before accumulating enough energy for his Burst in some lucky instances. Starting turns with Xiangling and Bennett is advantageous for setting up the battlefield in preparation for Tartaglia's onslaught.

Tartaglia + Raiden Shogun + Beidou

Master the Art of Tactical Mastery in Genshin Impact: Unleash Tartaglia's Power and Unlock the Ultimate Decks

A more effective team composition for Tartaglia involves pairing him with Raiden Shogun and Beidou to create a playstyle focused on slowly decreasing the enemies' HP through Electro-charged reactions and Riptide effects. The objective is to maximize the usage of character bursts while consistently applying Electro and Riptide. Beidou's Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst are vital in this strategy since they not only provide a defensive stance for the team but also allow for additional off-field Electro application during the battle. Unlike other characters, Beidou's elemental effects activate while the turn is still in progress. When Tartaglia's Melee Stance is activated after Beidou's Elemental Burst, players can expect reliable Electro-charged reactions whenever Tartaglia uses his Normal attack.

Compared to the previous team composition, this setup focuses more on using normal attacks rather than skills, which gives an advantage in dice management. Although the initial damage may not seem significant, players will notice the cumulative effect over time. Another crucial aspect of this composition is including Raiden Shogun, whose Elemental Burst greatly aids in energy generation for both Beidou and Tartaglia, allowing them to access their high damage potential as early as possible. Coincidentally, players should aim to start their combo with Raiden Shogun by activating her Burst as soon as possible. Then, they can switch to Beidou to activate her burst and finally unleash Tartaglia's Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst.

Tartaglia + Fatui Pyro Agent + Fatui Cryo Cicin Mage

Master the Art of Tactical Mastery in Genshin Impact: Unleash Tartaglia's Power and Unlock the Ultimate Decks

For players looking for a different and more experimental playstyle, using a team composition made up entirely of Fatui characters can be a viable choice. Acquiring these Fatui characters may be more challenging as they can only be obtained by defeating them in Tavern Challenges instead of through Friendly Fracas matches like regular playable characters. However, this unique and uncommon choice can surprise opponents in PvP matches. This team composition allows players to have flexibility in selecting which characters to prioritize, as they can apply various elements and enable Freeze, Vaporize, and Melt combinations all at once. Additionally, the team composition includes two main DPS characters: the Fatui Pyro Agent and Tartaglia, ensuring that the team can maintain high damage output even if one of them is defeated.

To initiate combos, summoning the Cicin summons of the Fatui Cryo Cicin Mage can be an effective starting point, as these summons contribute to the team through off-field Cryo applications. It's important to note that the Fatui Pyro Agent heavily relies on his Talent Card, which allows him to consistently deal Pyro damage. If the starting hand does not allow the use of this Talent Card, players can choose to immediately use Tartaglia and save the Fatui Pyro Agent for later in the battle.

Master the Art of Tactical Mastery in Genshin Impact: Unleash Tartaglia's Power and Unlock the Ultimate Decks

Tartaglia decks primarily focus on an offense-first approach, which means they may lack defensive capabilities. This can result in the team losing a member early on if they do not effectively utilize their combo. To counter this, characters like Beidou and Bennett can be helpful. However, it is generally recommended for players to incorporate healing or shielding cards to avoid unexpected setbacks.

A crucial aspect of Tartaglia's playstyle involves utilizing charged attacks, which requires having an even number of dice during a normal attack. To enhance consistency, teams with Tartaglia can greatly benefit from using various dice management cards, whether they are event or equipment cards. For example, using Elemental Resonance cards to generate extra dice can prove extremely advantageous if executed at the right moment. Other cards like "Timmie" and "Varanara" can also help generate additional dice, although their controllability may vary in different situations.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.