Master the Art of Raid Pass Acquisition in Pokemon GO!

Master the Art of Raid Pass Acquisition in Pokemon GO!

Learn how to acquire Raid Passes in Pokemon GO and join exciting Raid Battles Discover multiple methods including Gym Photo Discs, Special Research, Events, and the Shop Explore the different types of Raid Passes and their uses, such as Remote Raid Passes and Premium Battle Passes

Pokemon GO is constantly evolving with regular updates that enhance its functionality. One of the most popular additions is the introduction of raids, which has fostered a sense of community among players. In this guide, fans will discover the significance of Raid Passes, essential items that enable participation in these thrilling raids. Firstly, gamers will gain valuable insights into the various ways Raid Passes can be obtained. Subsequently, they will be equipped with vital knowledge on how to effectively utilize these passes.

How to Get Raid Passes in Pokemon Go

Master the Art of Raid Pass Acquisition in Pokemon GO!

The process of obtaining Raid Passes in Pokemon GO is not very complicated, but it can be hard to figure out initially. So, Raid Passes are divided into 3 types:

Raid Pass

Remote Raid Pass

Premium Battle Pass

Previously, there was a type 4 in-game, but it has been removed. The reason behind this will be revealed to the coaches at a later time. Each of these passes has distinct properties that make them unique. Additionally, it is important to note that players are unable to store more than 1 Raid Pass or 3 Remote Raid Passes in their inventory. Consequently, if trainers wish to participate in more than 1 raid per day, they will likely need to purchase these passes from the in-game store. Below, players will discover a comprehensive guide on obtaining each of these items.

Raid Pass

Master the Art of Raid Pass Acquisition in Pokemon GO!

This is the most basic way to progress and is the most accessible option. It caters to players who prefer not to spend extensive amounts of time farming or using real currency. At level 5, players gain access to Raid Passes and the ability to participate in Gym activities.

Photo Disc at a Gym


Special Research

of obtaining a Raid Pass is by simply spinning the Photo Disc at a Gym. By casually strolling around the city, fans have the opportunity to launch the game and locate a Gym. This approach proves advantageous as players not only obtain a Raid Pass but also have the chance to acquire various other items. It is important to highlight that this specific method of obtaining a Raid Pass can only be utilized once per day.

Some Special Research tasks or quest lines may reward players with a free Raid Pass upon completion.


During certain Pokemon GO events, the game might offer free Raid Passes as rewards or bonuses.

Remote Raid Pass

Master the Art of Raid Pass Acquisition in Pokemon GO!

The Remote Raid Pass is a valuable resource that can be somewhat challenging to acquire. However, its notable advantage lies in its ability to be used without the need to physically visit a Gym. By utilizing a Remote Raid Pass, enthusiasts can actively participate in raids that are situated many miles away. This feature makes it an extremely advantageous item to possess.


Players have the option to acquire Remote Raid Passes through the in-game shop using PokeCoins, the game's premium currency that can be obtained with real money or earned by defending Gyms. The specific cost may vary depending on the player's country and the selection of available bundles.

Special Research and Events

Just like the regular Raid Pass, the Remote Raid Pass can be obtained from Special Research tasks and some events.

Premium Battle Pass

Master the Art of Raid Pass Acquisition in Pokemon GO!

The advantage of the Premium Battle Pass is that trainers have the ability to store an unlimited amount of them. This feature proves exceptionally handy for trainers who aim to capture 100% of the desired Pokemon from raids or simply participate in as many raids as possible.


This item can be purchased in the Shop for PokeCoins.

Special Research

Premium Battle Passes can rarely be obtained by completing Special Research tasks.

EX Raid Pass

How to Use Raid Passes

There was previously a fourth variant of this item within the game titled EX Raid Pass. It served as a captivating item necessary for one's involvement in exclusive invite-only Raids. Regrettably, the developers subsequently opted to eliminate this particular item from the game.

Master the Art of Raid Pass Acquisition in Pokemon GO!

Raid Passes are required for joining raids. By utilizing these passes, trainers gain the opportunity to capture a Pokemon boss after defeating it. These bosses often encompass powerful and legendary Pokemon, making them highly sought after. However, players should constantly be mindful of their maximum Pokemon storage capacity to ensure they can continue collecting more.

Pokemon GO is available for iOS and Android.