Master the Art of Parrying in Final Fantasy 16: A Step-by-Step Guide

Master the Art of Parrying in Final Fantasy 16: A Step-by-Step Guide

Master the art of parrying in Final Fantasy 16 to gain a tactical advantage Stagger Clive's enemies with precise timing and skill, but be prepared for a challenging learning curve

Despite its initial appearance of simplicity, Final Fantasy 16's combat system is deceptively challenging to master due to the game's explanations. As players progress through the opening missions, they are provided with valuable tips on maximizing Clive's skills. However, with the abundance of information to remember, certain aspects can easily slip from memory.

Early on in the game's story, players are taught how to parry enemy attacks. Yet, truly harnessing this ability requires time and practice due to its unpredictable and occasionally unreliable nature. Nevertheless, players who exercise patience and continuously experiment with the ability will soon discover its status as one of Clive's most formidable combat skills.

What Does Parrying Do In Final Fantasy 16?

Master the Art of Parrying in Final Fantasy 16: A Step-by-Step Guide

During Clive's journey in Final Fantasy 16, he will encounter a wide range of formidable adversaries. While some enemies may appear more perilous than others, there are various strategies to effectively overcome them. While the attack button (Square) is typically the go-to option, players seeking to exploit specific enemy moves should consider mastering the art of parrying.

Executing a successful Parry attack with Clive will momentarily freeze time, granting him the opportunity to unleash a series of additional strikes against the parried enemy. Parrying not only provides a momentary respite in battle, but it also interrupts enemy attacks, preventing them from fully executing their intentions.

How To Parry In Final Fantasy 16

Master the Art of Parrying in Final Fantasy 16: A Step-by-Step Guide

Mastering the art of parrying in Final Fantasy 16 requires Clive to synchronize his attacks with the enemy's strike. By precisely timing the clash of their attacks, Clive can successfully parry and leave the enemy vulnerable for a short period.

While some players may unintentionally parry enemy attacks by continuously pressing the attack button, those seeking true mastery must carefully observe the enemy's moveset and determine the optimal timing for their parries. With each boss in Final Fantasy 16 having unique characteristics, it may require some time and effort to discern the most effective moments to execute a parry.

Equipping the Ring of Timely Evasion accessory in combat can provide Clive with an automatic dodge against certain attacks, offering a valuable alternative to relying solely on parrying. This accessory serves as a helpful tool for players who are still mastering the parrying mechanic without the fear of facing a game over. To fully immerse themselves in Final Fantasy 16's parrying system, players are advised to have Clive equipped with this accessory, as it serves as a reliable safety net. Exclusive to PlayStation 5, Final Fantasy 16 can be experienced on this platform.