Master the Art of Liberation: Savvy Prison Breaks in Baldur's Gate 3

Master the Art of Liberation: Savvy Prison Breaks in Baldur's Gate 3

Break free the prisoners of Moonrise Towers by obtaining Wulbren's Hammer, activating the Warden's Lever, and tactfully infiltrating from the rear Unleash your strategic prowess to defy the absolutists' stronghold in Baldur's Gate 3

Helping the tieflings and deep gnomes in Act 1 of Baldur's Gate 3 presents players with the chance to aid them once again in Act 2. Some members from both groups are trapped in the prison beneath Moonrise Towers, and the party can seize the opportunity to liberate them.

However, this rescue mission is no straightforward endeavor. Guards patrol the prison level ceaselessly, and surveillance is extensive. Players must think strategically and choose their fights wisely to assist the tieflings and deep gnomes in escaping their cells while maintaining their disguise.

Get Wulbren's Hammer

Master the Art of Liberation: Savvy Prison Breaks in Baldur's Gate 3

When attempting to speak to either group of prisoners, a guard will intervene. Players can deceive or persuade the guards, succeeding with a DC 14 check, to gain unrestricted access to Lia in the tiefling cell or Wulbren Bongle, the leader of the deep gnomes. Regardless of their choices in Act 1, Wulbren will always be present, whereas the tieflings are only there if they survived Act 1, and their disposition will be friendly only if players aided them.

Initially suspicious of the party, Wulbren's doubts can be alleviated by passing various skill checks or by mentioning the deep gnomes players assisted during Act 1. Wulbren mentions the necessity of acquiring his hammer (or, alternatively, another equally valuable weapon such as a warhammer) for their escape plan, and if the tieflings are present, he is willing to assist them in their escape as well.

When players engage in conversation with the warden at the central tower, she will mention that the prisoners' equipment is kept on the floor above. However, this area is off-limits and the warden and guards will become agitated if the party simply climbs the ladder. Instead, players are advised to have the party jump onto the wooden platforms on the exterior of the tower. These platforms provide access to the equipment storage, and the guards do not mind if they spot the party jumping around.

On the equipment floor, there is a solitary scrying orb that patrols the area. Players can handle it by switching to turn-based mode and attacking it with a ranged weapon or spell a few times. Several chests contain valuable gear, and Wulbren's hammer can be found on the table next to the railing.

After returning Wulbren's hammer, he will request the party to inform him when they are ready to proceed. It is crucial for players to take advantage of this opportunity as breaking the back wall of his cell will trigger an all-out combat between the guards, deep gnomes, tieflings, and the party. The warden will unlock all the cell doors, granting the guards full access, making the tieflings vulnerable targets.

To prevent this, players should enter the warden's chamber, close the door, and launch a surprise attack on her. It is important to eliminate a scrying eye that may enter the room before it has a chance to call for backup. At this stage, only two guards and one scrying orb will remain in the cell blocks. By ambushing them, with the destruction of the scrying orb as a priority, the party can ensure that nobody witnesses the gnomes' prison break. This way, both the tieflings and gnomes can escape while still maintaining the trust of the Absolutists.

Flip the Warden's Lever

Master the Art of Liberation: Savvy Prison Breaks in Baldur's Gate 3

Instead of handing Wulbren his hammer, players have the option to bypass this by flipping the master lever in the warden's office. This lever has the power to unlock all the cell doors, but it comes with significant risks. Touching the lever is considered illegal, and if caught, the party will face serious consequences. Additionally, while the cells' rear walls provide a route to a hidden boat that the gnomes and tieflings can escape on, the cell doors lead into the rest of the prison and its guards.

However, this method is the most efficient for players who hold complete hostility towards the Absolutists. If the party has successfully fought their way through the guards upon entering, the path will be clear for the prisoners to make their escape using the docks. Choosing this method also eliminates the need for players to earn Wulbren's trust, as their alignment and allegiances have already been made evident.

Go In from Behind

Master the Art of Liberation: Savvy Prison Breaks in Baldur's Gate 3

A pile of white stone sits at one end of the prison, with a ledge above it that can be reached by those with strength or through the use of jump spells and potions. This ledge serves as an entrance to a cave system accessible to gnomes and tieflings, who can break through the rear walls of their cells. Breaking these walls, however, generates significant noise, alerting the guards who will then open the cell doors and attack the fleeing prisoners. To provide both tieflings and gnomes with enough time to escape, players can opt to break both walls simultaneously, although this will result in at least two party members being positioned behind the prisoners rather than between them and the guards.

If the guards notice that the walls have broken, this scenario can occur. By using Darkness and Silence spells, players can obscure the cell walls, making it difficult for the guards to comprehend the situation. While casting these spells might arouse suspicion or irritation among the guards, they can grant the prisoners the necessary advantage to escape. However, it is likely that ambushing the guards individually is the most straightforward approach to freeing all the prisoners at Moonrise Towers.

Baldur's Gate 3 is presently accessible on macOS and PC, and it will be launched on PS5 on September 6th, 2023.