Master the Art of Capturing Shiny Shadow Zapdos in Pokémon GO

Master the Art of Capturing Shiny Shadow Zapdos in Pokémon GO

Catch the rare and powerful Shiny Shadow Zapdos in Pokemon GO with our expert guide Master the step-by-step instructions to add this elusive creature to your collection and enhance your gameplay

Pokemon GO developers introduce legendary Shiny variants in various events and raids. One such raid, called the Shadow raid, provides players with an opportunity to come across Shiny versions of the featured Shadow Pokemon. In the upcoming Shadow raid, players will have a chance to encounter Shiny Shadow Zapdos.

Due to the experimentation it has undergone, Shadow Zapdos possesses enhanced destructive capabilities. As an Electric and Flying-type Shadow legend, it poses a formidable challenge, and its power is further boosted when it appears as a Pokemon GO Shadow raid boss. Obtaining the legendary Shadow Zapdos is no easy feat, and its Shiny variant is even more elusive. However, players can increase their chances of encountering Shiny Shadow Zapdos by successfully defeating the Shadow raid boss. Achieving victory against this legendary Shadow raid boss requires extensive knowledge of the metagame and a team of formidable counters.

Pokemon GO: Get Shiny Shadow Zapdos

Master the Art of Capturing Shiny Shadow Zapdos in Pokémon GO

Shadow Zapdos, a legendary creature in Pokemon GO, boasts a maximum CP of 3987 and impressive stats of 253 ATK, 185 DEF, and 207 STA. Trainers have the opportunity to encounter its rare Shiny variant, but obtaining it is no easy task.

To come across the elusive Legendary Shiny Shadow Zapdos, players must partake in challenging gameplay. This fearsome creature appears as a boss in Shadow raids, requiring a well-equipped team of counters to emerge victorious. With its formidable move set, trainers should take precautions and strategize before facing off against this formidable opponent. The monster's vulnerability to Ice and Rock-type moves makes counters with these typings an ideal choice.

Shadow Zapdos Counters

Fast Moves

Charged Moves

Shadow Rhyperior

Smack Down

Rock Wrecker

Shadow Mamoswine

Powder Snow


Mega Diancie

Rock Throw

Rock Slide

Mega Tyranitar

Smack Down

Stone Edge


Smack Down

Rock Wrecker


Smack Down

Rock Slide

Shadow Weavile

Ice Shard


Mega Aerodactyl

Rock Throw

Rock Slide

Shadow Tyranitar

Smack Down

Stone Edge

Shadow Mewtwo

Psycho Cut

Ice Beam

Master the Art of Capturing Shiny Shadow Zapdos in Pokémon GO

Shadow legendary monsters in Pokemon GO are notoriously difficult to obtain, with the rare Shiny variants being even more elusive. The only way to potentially come across a Shiny Shadow Zapdos is by actively participating and emerging victorious in multiple Shadow Zapdos raids.

It is important to keep in mind that successfully defeating the Shadow raid boss does not guarantee a Shiny encounter. While some players may be fortunate enough to encounter a legendary Shadow Shiny after emerging victorious, others may not have the same luck. To increase their chances of encountering a Shiny Shadow Zapdos, players must strive to win as many Shadow raids as possible and improve their odds of encountering a Shiny spawn. Additionally, it is worth noting that Pokemon GO Remote Raid Passes cannot be used for Shadow Raids, meaning trainers must physically move around and participate in multiple raids.

Pokemon GO is available for Android and iOS.