Making a Clean Profit: Selling Your Companions in Palworld

Making a Clean Profit: Selling Your Companions in Palworld

Learn how to sell your Pals in Palworld and make a tidy profit while keeping your Palbox clutter-free.

Finding the Right Buyer

In the bustling world of Palworld, it's easy to amass a diverse collection of Pals. However, when your Palbox becomes overcrowded with lackluster companions, it's time to consider parting ways for a profit. Whether you're looking to offload excess Pals or upgrade to superior companions, knowing where to sell your companions is crucial.

Pal Merchant in the Small Settlement in Palworld

Pal Merchant in the Small Settlement in Palworld

Thankfully, Palworld offers various avenues for selling your Pals, allowing you to make a clean profit and free up space for more valuable additions to your collection. In this guide, we'll explore the key locations and methods for selling your companions in Palworld, ensuring that you maximize your earnings while maintaining a pristine Palbox.

Small Settlement on the Palworld map

Small Settlement on the Palworld map

The Art of Selling Pals

Before you embark on your selling spree, it's essential to understand the process of parting ways with your companions. Selling Pals requires a strategic approach, and knowing the right buyers can make all the difference in your profit margins. In Palworld, the choice between regular Pal Merchants and Black Marketeers presents unique opportunities for selling different types of Pals.

A Black Marketeer in Palworld

A Black Marketeer in Palworld

Regular Pal Merchants, often found in settlements and towns, offer a chance to offload your standard companions and acquire early-game Pals with desirable traits. On the other hand, Black Marketeers, the enigmatic figures of Palworld, specialize in purchasing a wide range of Pals, including exotic and rare specimens. Their prices may be steep, but the quality of Pals they offer often justifies the investment.

One Black Marketeer's location in Palworld

One Black Marketeer's location in Palworld

Navigating the Market

To begin your selling journey, seek out a dedicated Pal Merchant in the Small Settlement, located to the west of the Plateau of Beginnings. Inside one of the houses, you'll encounter the merchant, distinguished by a unique assortment of Pals on sale and the promise of lucrative transactions. This is your chance to exchange your surplus companions for a tidy sum or potentially acquire superior Pals to bolster your collection.

In addition to traditional Pal Merchants, Black Marketeers roam specific locations across the Palworld map, offering a lucrative opportunity to sell a diverse range of companions. While their presence may be elusive, the rewards of selling to Black Marketeers often outweigh the challenges of locating them. Keep an eye out for their enigmatic presence and be prepared to engage in high-stakes transactions for exceptional Pals.

One notable advantage of engaging with Pal Merchants is the potential to capture and relocate them to your base using Pal Spheres. This strategic move streamlines your buying and selling process, eliminating the need for constant travel and enabling seamless transactions from the comfort of your own domain. However, capturing these merchants is no easy feat and may require advanced Pal Spheres and a show of strength.


Selling Pals in Palworld is an artful practice that combines strategic decision-making with the pursuit of profitability. By identifying the right buyers and mastering the art of negotiation, you can transform your surplus companions into a lucrative source of income while maintaining a clean and efficient Palbox. Whether you choose to engage with traditional Pal Merchants or venture into the realm of Black Marketeers, the rewards of selling your companions are well worth the effort.