Loki Season 2 Episode 4 Highlights: Top 10 Moments & Major Revelations

Loki Season 2 Episode 4 Highlights: Top 10 Moments & Major Revelations

Loki faces his most perilous challenge yet as secrets unravel, alliances form, and unexpected betrayals rock the TVA in an explosive Episode 4

Warning! This article contains massive spoilers for Loki season 2, episode 4, "Heart of the TVA"


"Heart of the TVA" uncovers the hidden past of Ravonna Renslayer, delving into her role in the Multiverse War and how it fueled her thirst for power and retribution. Meanwhile, Victor Timely plays a crucial part in devising a solution for the Temporal Loom while Renslayer schemes to overthrow the TVA.

In a shocking turn of events, Victor Timely meets his demise and the Temporal Loom shatters, causing a destructive aftermath.

In "Heart of the TVA," the fourth episode of Loki season 2 on Disney+, the Marvel Cinematic Universe embarks on an exhilarating journey through the multiverse, unveiling significant moments and revelations about Loki, Victor Timely, and the TVA. Following the suspenseful conclusion of Loki season 1, where Sylvie kills He Who Remains, triggering a surge of alternate realities, Loki season 2 delves even deeper into the mind-boggling concepts of nonlinear time and space. While the entire season has heightened the stakes, Loki season 2 thrusts the multiverse quandary wide open.

After revisiting 1893 to locate the Kang variant Victor Timely, Loki, Mobius, and their companions retreat to the TVA to confront a series of fresh challenges. The Temporal Loom's uncontrollable descent persists, while the internal fractures within the Time Variance Authority deepen, growing increasingly complex and hazardous. As per the pattern established in the second season of Loki, "Heart of the TVA" provides some answers but leaves countless others unresolved.

10. Renslayer's Secret History Is Revealed

Loki Season 2 Episode 4 Highlights: Top 10 Moments & Major Revelations

The ending of Loki season 2, episode 3 hints at a major revelation about Ravonna Renslayer, and "Heart of the TVA" wastes no time delving into it. Miss Minutes slyly suggests that she has knowledge of a powerful secret from Ravonna's past that is bound to anger her, and it certainly does. In the episode's opening scene, Miss Minutes plays a recording of He Who Remains and Renslayer in the newly built Citadel at the End of Time.

Referring back to a glimpse from Loki season 2, episode 1, He Who Remains expresses gratitude to Renslayer for her crucial role in the recently concluded Multiverse War. He assures her that they will rule together. However, as soon as Renslayer departs, He Who Remains orders Miss Minutes to carry out "Protocol 42," which erases the memories of Ravonna and everyone else associated with the TVA. To exacerbate the situation, it appears that the TVA motto, "For All Time, Always," was an endearing phrase shared between Ravonna and He Who Remains before her memory was wiped.

9. Victor Timely & OB's Relationship Is An Ouroboros

Loki Season 2 Episode 4 Highlights: Top 10 Moments & Major Revelations

The concept of looping cause and effect has been a recurring theme throughout the second season of Loki. It once again manifests itself in a heartwarming moment between OB and Victor Timely. Victor, who finds himself a bit disoriented after being brought to the TVA by Loki and Mobius from 1893 in the previous episode, is in awe when he meets OB. The TVA handbook, authored by OB, has had a profound impact on Victor's life. Interestingly, OB feels the same way in reverse. He acknowledges that he has learned everything he knows from Victor Timely, creating a peculiar and fascinating cycle of inspiration between these two brilliant individuals.

8. B-15 Proposes An Alliance With Dox & The Minutemen

Loki Season 2 Episode 4 Highlights: Top 10 Moments & Major Revelations

After Dox's unsanctioned pruning of numerous timelines, she and her Minutemen find themselves imprisoned by the TVA. However, B-15 remains determined to establish a common understanding with the loyal, yet misguided, TVA General. B-15 appeals to Dox's sense of loyalty, emphasizing that both of them share the aim of safeguarding the agency's potential to positively impact the multiverse. Surprisingly, Dox seems receptive to these arguments, and the possibility of a formidable new alliance begins to emerge.

7. Victor Timely's Prototype Gadget Is The Key To Fixing The Temporal Loom

Loki Season 2 Episode 4 Highlights: Top 10 Moments & Major Revelations

OB requires the assistance of Victor Timely to recreate He Who Remains' Temporal Aura and access the blast doors of the Temporal Loom. However, the imaginative inventor from the 19th century proves to be beneficial in another aspect as well. Referred to as his "life's work," Victor's creation can prevent the Throughput Multiplier of OB from getting overloaded by the Temporal Loom. By seamlessly integrating the two, they can extend the rings of the Loom, thereby allowing an increased number of multiversal branches to permeate.

6. Loki Makes A Case For Building A Better TVA

Loki Season 2 Episode 4 Highlights: Top 10 Moments & Major Revelations

In Loki season 2, episode 4, the pace is swift, but there is a standout scene in the middle. Throughout the series, Loki and Sylvie have clashed over their beliefs about the TVA's purpose. However, a significant shift occurs when Loki delivers a powerful speech, advocating for trust in the potential positive outcomes. This moment highlights Loki's tremendous character growth, especially considering his past attempts to conquer Earth. Additionally, he suggests that, as Asgardians, they may have a right to act as guardians, hinting at their potential roles in a revamped TVA.

5. Renslayer Infiltrates The TVA And Kills Dox's People

Loki Season 2 Episode 4 Highlights: Top 10 Moments & Major Revelations

After discovering the truth about He Who Remains' betrayal, Ravonna Renslayer becomes furious and determined to take matters into her own hands. Accompanied by Miss Minutes, she returns to the TVA with a thirst for power and is willing to resort to violence. Her initial target is Dox and his imprisoned men. She presents them with a straightforward choice: collaborate with her and have the opportunity to return to their lives in the Sacred Timeline once she assumes control, or face certain death.

Recognizing that Ravonna is consumed by her pursuit of power and vengeance, Dox, along with most of his comrades, refuses her offer. At this point, the same box-making device that Loki used to interrogate Brad is brought into the picture, gradually crushing the group to their demise. However, one person, Brad, decides to switch allegiances and joins Ravonna and Miss Minutes in order to evade death.

4. Loki Prunes Himself To Fulfill The Events Of The Loki Season 2 Premiere

Loki Season 2 Episode 4 Highlights: Top 10 Moments & Major Revelations

In the season 2 premiere of Loki, our protagonist is afflicted with Time Slipping and finds himself trapped in a moment of uncertainty within the TVA's future. During this peculiar encounter, he catches sight of Sylvie, receives a cryptic phone call, and narrowly avoids being pruned thanks to an unidentified individual. This pivotal episode brings us up to speed with that very moment, uncovering the fact that the present-day Loki witnessed his Time Slipping self from the past and made the decision to prune him. Additionally, the caller on the other end of the line was none other than OB, urgently reaching out to Loki regarding their long-awaited endeavor to mend the Temporal Loom.

3. OB Reboots The TVA's Systems, Locking Out Miss Minutes

Loki Season 2 Episode 4 Highlights: Top 10 Moments & Major Revelations

While Renslayer and Miss Minutes manage to infiltrate the TVA, eliminate Dox's crew, and capture Victor Timely for information on his devices, OB devises a plan to expel Miss Minutes from the TVA systems. He initiates a complete reboot, causing the cunning AI to gradually morph into simpler clocks until it eventually vanishes completely. Undoubtedly, she will return, but this maneuver allows Loki and his companions to regain control of the TVA's computers and attempt to stabilize the Temporal Loom.

2. Ravonna Is Pruned By An Enchanted Brad

Loki Season 2 Episode 4 Highlights: Top 10 Moments & Major Revelations

Another significant consequence of OB rebooting all TVA systems is the deactivation of the magic dampener, which typically renders magic ineffective within the TVA. Nonetheless, Sylvie and Loki capitalize on the temporary restoration of their magical abilities to tactfully approach Renslayer. Sylvie casts an enchantment on Brad, thereby gaining control over him. She guides him into the same room where Renslayer and Timely are present and effortlessly prunes Ravonna. As Loki has confirmed, the pruned individuals are transported to the Void rather than being outright eliminated, indicating that Renslayer will likely reappear at some point in the future.

1. The Temporal Loom Explodes, Seemingly Destroying Everything

Loki Season 2 Episode 4 Highlights: Top 10 Moments & Major Revelations

Having prepared everything necessary to repair the Temporal Loom, Victor Timely offers to venture beyond the blast doors with the Throughput Multiplier, just as Mobius did in the premiere of Loki season 2. However, to everyone's dismay, the Temporal Radiation has reached an alarming level, resulting in Victor Timely being violently torn apart and killed. Overwhelmed by the immense strain of countless timelines, the Temporal Loom erupts, and the final moments of the episode capture the horrified expressions on the faces of Loki, Mobius, OB, Sylvie, B-15, and Casey, as they come to realize the devastating consequences of the Loom's explosion.