Kim Kardashian addresses rumors about her beauty routine and lifestyle choices

Kim Kardashian addresses rumors about her beauty routine and lifestyle choices

Discover the truth behind Kim Kardashian's beauty routine and lifestyle choices as she sets the record straight on various rumors circulating about her. From blow drying her jewelry to other intriguing aspects, get the real scoop directly from the renowned celebrity herself.

Kim Kardashian has had an interesting life. She has been sharing a lot of it with the public through reality TV series since 2007. Recently, she shared some new stories during an appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live.” One interesting tidbit was that she and her sister Kourtney used to walk Madonna's dog.

When I was around seven and eight years old, my next door neighbor was the pop icon. I used to walk her dog in exchange for her jewelry. Kourtney, my sister, and I would take her dog for a walk after school.

The reality star/entrepreneur mentioned that the pop icon was moving away from the neon phase of the '80s. She gave us a shoe box filled with neon bracelets that were a big hit when we wore them to school as young kids.

During an interview, Kardashian shared that everyone loved their bracelets and they mentioned Madonna gave them to her.

Kimmel asked Kardashian some questions to address rumors, such as whether she blow dries her jewelry before wearing it.

Kardashian agreed, saying she dislikes feeling cold and prefers to have warm jewelry and clothes, especially with zippers.

She also mentioned that she sleeps with her eyes slightly open, makes sure to wash her feet every night before going to bed, and had her 14th birthday party at Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch.

She mentioned that she doesn't like cardboard sleeves on Starbucks cups because the sound or sight of them bothers her. She also mentioned that she can change car tires by herself.

It's worth noting that Kardashian does not have six toes on one foot.

Editor's P/S:

Kim Kardashian's anecdotes on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" offer a glimpse into her childhood and her relationship with Madonna. Her reminiscence about walking the pop icon's dog and receiving neon bracelets as a reward showcases the star's generosity and the impact she had on young Kim. The anecdotes also shed light on Kardashian's quirky habits, such as blow-drying her jewelry and sleeping with her eyes slightly open. These personal details humanize the reality star and add a touch of humor to her public persona.

Furthermore, Kardashian's mention of her 14th birthday party at Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch and her ability to change car tires herself suggest her diverse experiences and resilience. Her comments on disliking cardboard sleeves on Starbucks cups and her fear of the sound they make reveal her sensory sensitivities and add a relatable element to her character. Overall, these anecdotes provide a well-rounded view of Kardashian, showcasing her playful side, her personal quirks, and her adaptability in the face of life's challenges.