Jujutsu Kaisen Fortnite Leaks Shocking Plot Twist

Jujutsu Kaisen Fortnite Leaks Shocking Plot Twist

Discover the shocking revelation that Jujutsu Kaisen Fortnite unveils, exposing a game-changing plot twist that will leave fans in awe Don't miss out on this mind-blowing revelation!

Jujutsu Kaisen Fortnite game reveals a major plot twist from the series. Get all the details here.

After the incredible success of Jujutsu Kaisen, the series joined forces with Fortnite for a crossover event. Epic Games introduced the Jujutsu Kaisen crossover in Fortnite with the latest v25.30 content update. Launched in August 2023, the cursed energy from the JJK universe has engulfed Battle Royale Island.

Despite being extremely popular, the game shocked fans by unexpectedly revealing a major plot twist. Anime-only fans usually avoid manga content and only watch the episodes. JJK spoilers often spread on social media, but most anime-only fans steer clear of them. However, no one could have anticipated getting such a major spoiler from just playing the game. Explore further to discover how Jujutsu Kaisen Fortnite spoiled one of the series' biggest plot twists. Warning: This article contains manga spoilers!

Which major spoiler did Jujutsu Kaisen Fortnite reveal?

A Twitter user posted a Tiktok video showcasing the characters dancing along with a reaction. Surprisingly, when Megumi makes an appearance, he unexpectedly displays the same Sukuna markings as Yuji.

he got spoiled by a jjk fornite edit lmao pic.twitter.com/FG6xnmm42K

— aran (@gothgetou) January 4, 2024

In Chapter 212, Sukuna takes control of Megumi’s body, a move that has been of interest to fans. While the anime has not revealed the details, Chapter 213 shows that Sukuna had recognized Megumi’s potential and ability to suppress him. By biding his time inside Yuji’s body, Sukuna slowly gained power to ensure he would not be trapped like before. To break Megumi's spirit, Sukuna planned to kill his sister Tsumiki using the Ten Shadows Technique, and then kill Yoruzu (who was incarnated in Tsumiki’s body) using Megumi’s own technique after taking over his body.

Check out our other JJK coverage and explore our other anime content here. The clever trick used by the King of Curses successfully kept Megumi trapped, even though he initially resisted. After Tsumiki's death, Megumi fell into despair, making him unable to break free. The King of Curses employed the Ten Shadows Technique to control Mahoraga, who has the ability to adapt to Gojo's Infinity.

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Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan of Jujutsu Kaisen, I am both excited and disappointed by the shocking plot twist revealed in the Jujutsu Kaisen Fortnite collaboration. On one hand, it's thrilling to see the series expanding into the world of gaming and reaching a wider audience. The crossover event itself sounds like a lot of fun, and I can't wait to experience the cursed energy of the JJK universe in Fortnite.

On the other hand, I am disappointed that such a major plot twist was revealed in a way that could potentially spoil the experience for anime-only fans. I understand that the game may not have intended to reveal this information, but the fact that it happened is still frustrating. As a fan who prefers to experience the story through the anime, I feel like I've been robbed of the opportunity to be surprised by this twist when it eventually comes in the anime.