Joss Stone Shares Insights on Second Wedding and Bonding with Husband Cody DaLuz Through Parenthood (Exclusive)

Joss Stone Shares Insights on Second Wedding and Bonding with Husband Cody DaLuz Through Parenthood (Exclusive)

Exclusive interview with Joss Stone as she reveals her upcoming second wedding plans and the journey of getting to know her husband, Cody DaLuz, amidst the joys and challenges of parenting.

Joss Stone Dishes 2nd Wedding, Still Getting to Know Husband Cody DaLuz

Joss Stone Dishes 2nd Wedding, Still Getting to Know Husband Cody DaLuz

Cody DaLuz and Joss Stone. Hoda Davaine/Dave Benett/Getty Images

Joss Stone is excited to share her plans for a second wedding and her journey of getting to know her husband Cody DaLuz while they raise their two kids.

Stone, 37, who got married to DaLuz in November 2023, reveals exclusively to We that they are still enjoying the newlywed phase.

Stone shared with Us that they never had a strong relationship before having children. All of their time together has been focused on raising their kids.

The couple, who first met in 2020, have a 3-year-old daughter named Violet and an 18-month-old son named Shackleton.

"We're getting to know each other while tackling a challenging job," she explains. "Parenting is definitely like having no sleep and all that kind of stuff. It's really hectic. We had hoped to be married before having kids, but it didn't work out."

Joss Stone Dishes 2nd Wedding, Still Getting to Know Husband Cody DaLuz

Joss Stone Dishes 2nd Wedding, Still Getting to Know Husband Cody DaLuz

Joss Stone and her husband Cody DaLuz are pictured with their two children in a photo shared on Joss Stone's Instagram account.

The singer shared that she was around 7 or 8 months pregnant with their daughter, Violet, before they decided to get engaged. She mentioned that they had their first child and then another, realizing they still weren't married. So, they decided, "Let’s just go and do it."

Stone, who tied the knot with her American musician husband in a quick ceremony in Nashville last November, shared with Us her desire for a more traditional wedding surrounded by loved ones.

"We really want to have a proper wedding," she explains. "Even though we are already legally married, I want to bring our families together. We can invite people from his hometown in Rhode Island and have a celebration in the forest with my English family. It's important for us to have a real wedding."

Stone believes that having a "fun" ceremony would be mainly for the family's benefit. She mentions that it would be a way to celebrate something wonderful.

She expresses, "We are definitely going to do it." However, she also acknowledges the challenge of finding the time to plan the ceremony amidst touring and taking care of their babies. There is simply a lot going on in their lives.

Joss Stone Dishes 2nd Wedding, Still Getting to Know Husband Cody DaLuz

Joss Stone Dishes 2nd Wedding, Still Getting to Know Husband Cody DaLuz

Courtesy of Cody DaLuz/Instagram

The actress expresses that she and DaLuz will simply get to know each other as they go along. She describes him as a wonderful person and a dedicated father. She emphasizes that he is a very committed dad and overall a really great person.

Stone says she’s “lucky” that she chose the “right one” instead of taking 10 years to “test that out.”

“I love having a family,” she says. “I think it is absolutely beautiful.”

Stone enthusiastically shared her plans for the future when asked about having more kids. She mentioned that she would like to have seven children, expressing her excitement by saying, "Bring on the babies!" Stone believes that more babies means more love in her life.

The Grammy Award winner is kicking off her Ellipsis tour in Florida on May 26 which travels throughout the U.S., Europe and South America through September. 

Editor's P/S:

Joss Stone