Jason Kelce's Thrilling Leap Over a Flaming Table to Honor Buffalo Bills Bet

Jason Kelce's Thrilling Leap Over a Flaming Table to Honor Buffalo Bills Bet

Experience the adrenaline rush as Jason Kelce recounts his exhilarating leap through a flaming table to fulfill a bet with passionate Buffalo Bills fans.

Jason Kelce Jumps Through a Flaming Table to Fulfill a Buffalo Bills Bet: 'It Was Exhilarating'

Jason Kelce Jumps Through a Flaming Table to Fulfill a Buffalo Bills Bet: 'It Was Exhilarating'

Jason Kelce. Lisa Lake/Getty Images for Prime Video

Jason Kelce, a man true to his word, kept his promise to jump into a flaming table for Buffalo Bills fans.

During the March 6 episode of his podcast "New Heights" with his brother Travis Kelce, 36-year-old Jason revealed the agreement he made with Bills fans. He explained that if the Bills emerged victorious over the Chiefs in the "New Heights" team name competition, he would have to fulfill his end of the deal and jump through a flaming table. It was a pact that he was ready to honor.

Travis, 34, shared that the experience was exhilarating and highlighted the safety-first approach. He also mentioned his anticipation to see the reactions from Bills Mafia and how he might get criticized for his actions.

“Why would they torch me?” Jason asked in response. “I jumped through a torch! Why would they torch me?”

His brother teased the retired athlete for being overly cautious, calling him "bubble-wrapped" and the safest person to ever do extreme stunts like jumping through a burning table.

Jason decided to wear his dad's old work gear from his time at the steel mill as a form of protection. He thought it was a fitting tribute to the Pittsburgh Steelers, especially since they had recently defeated the Bills in a competition.

Travis chimed in, "So basically, it made sense and seemed safe, so you were like, 'Sure, I'll do it.'"

The former Philadelphia Eagles center Jason confessed that there were times when he wasn't as worried about safety. "I mean, I didn't want to risk catching on fire. ... If I had been really drunk with 20 beers in me, I probably would have just jumped through wearing only my T-shirt. But I wasn't that drunk," Jason explained.

Travis remembered the time when they were on their way to the firehouse and Jason declared he would jump from the top of the fire truck. Travis thought it was a risky move since it was a 15-foot jump equivalent to jumping from the second floor.

Initially, Jason thought Travis was exaggerating but he eventually decided to jump from a smaller vehicle instead. Standing on top of the shorter truck, Jason realized he was more concerned about the height of the jump than the flames below.

Travis mentioned that Jason began to act a bit like a cat. The Chiefs player shared that Jason questioned, "Is this too high, guys? What do you think?" Travis reassured him, saying, "No, it's perfect!"

Jason found the fire scene to be the easiest to navigate. He explained, "It was just a bunch of flame-retardant materials." Jason felt well-prepared with the fire department hood to protect his face and gloves, making him feel confident with the fire.

Jason Kelce Jumps Through a Flaming Table to Fulfill a Buffalo Bills Bet It Was Exhilarating

Jason Kelce Jumps Through a Flaming Table to Fulfill a Buffalo Bills Bet It Was Exhilarating

Robin Marchant/Getty Images for Fanatics)

He described the moment when he jumped through a table on concrete, expressing concern about the potential for injury. He mentioned that if he had attempted the same jump in the snow, he would have been more willing to take the risk. However, looking at the concrete surface made him realize the potential consequences, stating, “Dude, I’m going to break something. I want to land on my butt. I’ll break my tailbone if I jump from 10 feet in the air.”

In a light-hearted manner, Travis playfully suggested that worrying about injury is what leads to broken bones. He emphasized the importance of simply going for it and embracing the athleticism. Travis humorously recalled his childhood days, where he would fearlessly take on physical challenges without overthinking the potential risks. He stated, “When you’re a kid, you just athlete it. You’re just like, ‘Dude, I can jump from this garage onto this trampoline.’"

Jason was pleased that he kept his promise and paid the bet after the table broke. He described the experience as exciting and thrilling.

Travis, on the other hand, enjoyed the event and found it amusing to see his sibling getting ready for the stunt. He remembered the funny moments during the build-up, including the questions and safety briefing with the fire marshals.

Jason added, “Please, if you’re going to jump through a flaming table, do it safely.”

Travis chimed in, “And find your dad’s steel mill fire-retardant stuff.”

The latest episode of “New Heights” aired shortly after Jason announced his retirement from the NFL following a 13-season career with the Eagles. Travis shared that he had not discussed much with his brother about the decision to retire before their podcast on Wednesday.

During the podcast, Travis expressed his pride in Jason, saying, "I didn't talk to you about it, I let you kinda do your own thing and I couldn't have been more proud listening to you yesterday." He also mentioned experiencing a mix of emotions - sadness, excitement, and anticipation for the future.

Editor's P/S:

Jason Kelce's commitment to keeping his promise to jump through a flaming table for Buffalo Bills fans is a testament to his dedication and unwavering spirit. Despite the potential risks, Kelce prioritized safety and took necessary precautions, showcasing his responsible approach to extreme stunts. His meticulous preparation and thoughtful consideration for his well-being serve as a reminder to always prioritize safety when engaging in high-risk activities.

The article also highlights the unique bond between Jason and Travis Kelce, whose contrasting personalities and perspectives create a dynamic and entertaining podcast. Travis's playful teasing and lighthearted demeanor provide a humorous counterbalance to Jason's cautious nature, adding a touch of levity to the discussion of serious topics like retirement and personal challenges. Their sibling rivalry and mutual respect create a genuine and engaging listening experience, making their podcast a fan favorite.