Is Unlocking Xiao's Constellations in Genshin Impact Worth It?

Is Unlocking Xiao's Constellations in Genshin Impact Worth It?

Discover the allure of Xiao's Constellations in Genshin Impact and weigh the value of investing Primogems in unlocking them. Is the power boost worth the cost? Find out here!









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Acquiring Constellations for 5-star characters in Genshin Impact is often a challenging task. It typically involves a significant financial investment or a substantial amount of in-game savings, especially for free-to-play players. Due to the unbalanced odds, the majority of players end up utilizing 5-star units without any Constellations.

Xiao is widely recognized for the significance of his C1 and C6 Constellations in Genshin Impact. With the continuous updates introducing new characters, weapons, and artifacts, Xiao has greatly enhanced his capabilities and become even more formidable. For players aiming to enhance Xiao's abilities, the current period presents an opportune moment to strengthen the Bane of All Evil. Acquiring his sixth Constellation is crucial in transforming him into a formidable adversary for all opponents in Genshin Impact.

Are Xiao Constellations Worth It In Genshin Impact?

are xiao constellations worth it in genshin impact - C4 - Transcension: Extinction Of Suffering

are xiao constellations worth it in genshin impact - C4 - Transcension: Extinction Of Suffering

The first constellation for Xiao, Dissolution Eon: Destroyer Of Worlds (C1), offers more utility than damage. Unfortunately, it may not be a significant investment for players.

xiao c1 constellation in genshin impact - C5 - Evolution Eon: Origin of Ignorance

xiao c1 constellation in genshin impact - C5 - Evolution Eon: Origin of Ignorance

Effect: Increases Lemniscatic Wind Cycling's charges by 1.

At zero Constellation, Xiao possesses two charges of his Elemental Skill. Upon reaching Constellation 1, he gains an additional charge for a total of three charges. While the ability to dash three times may seem impressive, it does not significantly increase Xiao's damage output. However, having an extra Elemental Skill charge enables Xiao to more frequently access his Elemental Burst, which is the cornerstone of his kit.

C2 - Annihilation Eon: Blossom Of Kaleidos

xiao c2 constellation in genshin impact - C6 - Conqueror Of Evil: Guardian Yaksha

xiao c2 constellation in genshin impact - C6 - Conqueror Of Evil: Guardian Yaksha

Effect: When in the party and not on the field, Xiao's Energy Recharge is increased by 25%.

Importance: Low

Xiao's C1 is already a valuable tool for his energy regeneration. When players are utilizing a rotation to replenish his energy, it is recommended to switch to Xiao whenever elemental particles are present, particularly Anemo particles. This strategy aims to directly channel the energy towards Xiao, making his C2 less essential.

C3 - Conqueror of Evil: Wrath Deity

xiao c3 constellation in genshin impact

xiao c3 constellation in genshin impact

Effect: Increases the Level of Lemniscatic Wind Cycling by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Xiao’s Skill may not be as crucial as his Elemental Burst, but it still plays a significant role in his overall kit. Therefore, increasing the levels of Xiao’s Lemniscatic Wind Cycling can greatly enhance the damage output of his abilities.

C4 - Transcension: Extinction Of Suffering

xiao c4 constellation in genshin impact

xiao c4 constellation in genshin impact

Effect: When Xiao's HP falls below 50%, he gains a 100% DEF Bonus.

Importance: Skippable

Xiao's DEF Buff in Genshin Impact: Is It Truly Beneficial?

Xiao's DEF stats being buffed in Genshin Impact may seem pointless as he spends most of his time airborne while using his Elemental Burst, avoiding enemy attacks. It is more practical to pair Xiao with a healer or shielder since his Elemental Burst constantly drains his HP, making him less vulnerable to damage. The effectiveness of a 100% DEF increase only matters if Xiao has a weapon that allows him to enhance his Plunges with DEF, which still may not be very advantageous in the long run.

xiao c5 constellation in genshin impact

xiao c5 constellation in genshin impact

Effect: Increases the Level of Bane of All Evil by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Xiao's Elemental Burst, known as Bane of All Evil, is crucial for dealing damage in Genshin Impact. Unlocking the fourth Constellation for Xiao allows him to add three levels to his Burst, significantly increasing the damage output for each of his Plunges.

C6 - Conqueror Of Evil: Guardian Yaksha

xiao c6 constellation in genshin impact

xiao c6 constellation in genshin impact

Paragraph: When Xiao is affected by Bane of All Evil, successfully hitting a minimum of 2 opponents with his Plunging Attack will instantly provide him with 1 charge of Lemniscatic Wind Cycling. For the following 1 second, Xiao gains the ability to utilize Lemniscatic Wind Cycling without being restricted by its cooldown. Importance: It is crucial to prioritize this particular aspect of Xiao's combat strategy, as it allows him to maximize his efficiency and effectiveness in battle.

Xiao's sixth Constellation makes him a top-tier DPS character in Genshin Impact. With this upgrade, he can unleash his skill six times in a single second, resulting in a significant amount of damage. It should be noted that this powerful effect is not as effective against most bosses or single enemies, as it requires two opponents to activate.

Editor's P/S:

The article provides a comprehensive analysis of Xiao's Constellations in Genshin Impact, offering valuable insights into their impact on his gameplay. It effectively highlights the significance of his C1 and C6 Constellations in enhancing his abilities, making him a formidable character. The detailed explanations and examples help readers understand the strengths and weaknesses of each Constellation, allowing them to make informed decisions regarding their investment.

Overall, the article serves as a useful guide for players seeking to optimize Xiao's potential, whether they are free-to-play or willing to invest financially. It successfully conveys the importance of balancing damage output with utility and emphasizes the game-changing impact of Xiao's C6 Constellation.