How Lily Allen and David Harbour Manage Screen Time in Their Relationship

How Lily Allen and David Harbour Manage Screen Time in Their Relationship

Lily Allen and David Harbour, who tied the knot in 2020, have implemented measures to regulate their screen usage and maintain a healthy balance in their digital lives.

Why Lily Allen and David Harbour Are the ‘Caregiver’ for Each Other’s Smartphones

Why Lily Allen and David Harbour Are the ‘Caregiver’ for Each Other’s Smartphones

Lily Allen and David Harbour JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP via Getty Images

Lily Allen and her husband David Harbour are teaming up to tackle excessive screen time.

In a recent interview with the Sunday Times, Allen shared that she now uses a kids’ phone called Pinwheel. This phone does not have browsing capabilities or social media, but still allows apps like Uber and Spotify. She mentioned that her husband is in charge of managing the apps on her phone, while she does the same for his.

Allen, who is 49 years old, married the Stranger Things star in September 2020. She was previously married to Sam Cooper and they have two daughters, Ethel who is 13 and Marnie who is 11. Allen has been trying to reduce her children's phone usage after reading a book that suggested kids should not have phones until they are 14 years old. She explained, "Because they’re made for kids, he’s [listed as] my parent and I’m his parent. ‘What’s your child’s name? David, [almost] aged 50.’"

She told a British newspaper that smartphones have ruined the creative side of her brain, and she believes many others feel the same way. She stated that she hasn't met anyone who thinks their life is better because of a smartphone. In her opinion, smartphones have had a negative impact on humanity and are designed to be addictive, especially for those with addictive personalities.

Allen also pointed out the negative effects of social media, mentioning that the Internet has made every comment permanent and difficult to change.

The singer expressed that it feels unnatural to have ideas set in stone, as humans are meant to evolve and change. She believes that being held accountable for past statements can hinder personal growth, as people change over time due to new experiences and perspectives. For instance, she mentioned that her views from 20 years ago no longer reflect who she is today, as she has since gotten married and become a parent.

According to her close friend Miquita Oliver, the couple has found success in reducing their phone usage. Oliver shared with The Times that the actor has had a positive influence on Allen, indicating that this lifestyle change has been beneficial for them.

Oliver, who is 40 years old, expressed, "He makes her laugh. Lily enjoys giggling." He continued, "I fell in love with David's energy the moment I met him. He is extremely kind and has a genuine fondness for Lily."

Additionally, Allen shared that she has only "recently" begun to rely on Harbour for assistance when needed.

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In a recent interview, Allen shared about a transformative experience he had during a weekend retreat in upstate New York. He underwent a one-on-one treatment that helped him realize his struggle with vulnerability. As a result, he has started asking for help when needed, which has had a positive impact on his life. For example, he now feels comfortable requesting assistance with daily tasks like preparing breakfast and taking the kids to school from his partner, David. And David is always willing to lend a helping hand.

An insider shared with We that Allen and Harbour are described as a "wonderful team." The source mentioned in December 2022 that they are deeply in love and feel fortunate to have found each other. Both David and Lily have a strong attraction towards each other, with incredible chemistry. However, they also share a close friendship and enjoy spending time together, whether it's relaxing in front of the TV or baking with their children, as much as they do on a fancy night out.

Editor's P/S:

Lily Allen and David Harbour's decision to limit their screen time and tackle excessive phone usage is an inspiring example for others to consider. Allen's concerns about the detrimental effects of smartphones on creativity and personal growth resonate with many who have witnessed the negative impact of constant screen exposure. Her belief that humans are meant to evolve and change over time, and that holding people accountable for past statements can stifle personal growth, highlights the importance of allowing for change and forgiveness in interpersonal relationships.

The couple's success in reducing their phone usage and relying on each other for support is a testament to the power of open communication and mutual respect. Harbour's willingness to assist Allen with daily tasks and Allen's newfound ability to ask for help demonstrate the importance of vulnerability and teamwork in a healthy relationship. Their strong attraction and chemistry, combined with their close friendship and shared interests, serve as a model for couples seeking a balanced and fulfilling partnership.