Hidden Tunnel in Call of Duty: Warzone Vondel Map Unveiled

Hidden Tunnel in Call of Duty: Warzone Vondel Map Unveiled

A player in Call of Duty: Warzone uncovers an intriguing hidden tunnel on the latest Vondel map, introduced in Season 4 of the game

On the latest map of Call of Duty: Warzone, Vondel, players have discovered a hidden tunnel. This secret location has quickly become a topic of interest among Call of Duty: Warzone players. In addition to the tunnel, the Season 4 update has introduced the Vondel map, which features a stunning Baroque European city design. Alongside prominent landmarks like the Castle and Museum, there are also hidden areas that require more exploration to find.

After exploring the new Vondel map in Call of Duty: Warzone, a Redditor named Zombot5825 shared an exciting discovery. They stumbled upon a hidden tunnel that interconnected different areas of the map. In a 51-second video, Zombot5825 can be seen escaping enemy gunfire by leaping into a body of water. After swimming a short distance, they submerged underwater and entered a passageway. The tunnel turned out to be much longer than expected, requiring them to use a rebreather to continue swimming. Eventually, they discovered a ladder leading out of the tunnel and into a room filled with valuable loot. Zombot5825 also provided additional information in the comments, revealing that the only way to access the loot room was from within the tunnel, making this secret passage even more valuable.

The discovery made by Zombot5825 quickly gained attention from numerous Warzone gamers in the community. With over 1.1K upvotes and a multitude of users commenting on the tunnel, it is evident that the finding has sparked interest. In the comments section, several players shared their experiences of discovering the tunnel but running out of oxygen without a rebreather. One user commented, "I found it during mod resurgence, but I didn't have an oxygen bottle. You can probably guess what happened." Zombot5825 acknowledged a similar outcome during their first attempt to traverse the tunnel.

It remains to be seen how many Warzone players will utilize this tunnel to access the loot at the other end in the upcoming weeks. As more individuals become familiar with Vondel, it is uncertain if this underwater passageway will remain a well-kept secret. Nonetheless, there are likely more secrets waiting to be uncovered about Vondel in the days to come.

Call of Duty: Warzone is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.