Goku's Foolishness: Unveiling the Origins Beyond Dragon Ball Super Manga

Goku's Foolishness: Unveiling the Origins Beyond Dragon Ball Super Manga

The Dragon Ball Super manga faces criticism for its inconsistent quality and controversial writing choices, including the portrayal of Goku's character However, it did not make Goku any more foolish than he already was in the series

The Dragon Ball Super manga receives criticism for its inconsistent quality and certain writing choices, particularly regarding Goku's portrayal. Many fans have noticed that Goku has been portrayed as considerably less intelligent in recent manga and anime, leading to debates about how much it diverges from his original characterization.

Despite the valid concerns about the Dragon Ball Super manga's occasional flaws and unconventional decisions, it must be acknowledged that the portrayal of Goku's character is not one of the major issues. This aspect of the series' protagonist has always existed, and the new series simply amplifies it further.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the Dragon Ball Super manga.

The Dragon Ball Super manga didn't make Goku any dumber than he already was

Many individuals now find it trendy to express their grievances about various aspects of the Dragon Ball Super manga. While some criticisms are valid, one of the most contentious points of debate revolves around Goku's characterization. This is primarily due to the fact that many fans have complained about the same aspects of the character in Super that were already present during the series' most iconic era.

Goku's enthusiasm for battling stronger adversaries always brought him excitement, but his lack of intelligence often resulted in comedic moments throughout Dragon Ball Z. One of the possible reasons for people's annoyance stems from the fact that Z depicted a more serious tone, highlighting this aspect of Goku's personality, while Super allows for more comedic and lighthearted elements.

This recurring theme can be traced back to the earlier days of the original manga, where humor played a significant role. The initial stories in the Dragon Ball manga showcased Goku's foolishness and his inability to grasp social cues. The Dragon Ball Super manga simply continued this comedic tradition established by the series.

The nature of the new manga

This series has faced a significant challenge in winning over the fan base, particularly due to the immense reputation of the original Dragon Ball series. Many fans have found it difficult to connect with the Super manga, as there are arguments about its quality and characterization not meeting expectations.

In several aspects, the Super manga presents a more cheerful experience in contrast to its predecessors, excluding the Goku Black arc, which adopts a more serious and darker tone. However, the majority of the Super manga differs in tone from that of Z, which was known for being more serious and dramatic.

Final thoughts

It should be noted that the desired tone of this series aligns with the intentions of author Akira Toriyama, who originates from a background in gag manga. Consequently, it is not surprising that certain comedic and lighthearted elements have permeated the franchise, even if their execution may not have been flawless. Nonetheless, it is important to acknowledge that this is precisely what the author intended for the series.

Goku's characterization in the Dragon Ball Super manga has remained consistent, showcasing his ability to adapt to different situations. Whether it calls for seriousness or a lighter approach, Goku's portrayal remains true to the overall tone of the manga.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I have mixed feelings about the portrayal of Goku in the Dragon Ball Super manga. On the one hand, I understand the frustration of fans who feel that Goku has been made too foolish in recent years. On the other hand, I appreciate the fact that the manga is staying true to the character's original roots.

Goku has always been a bit of a goofball, and I think that's part of what makes him so lovable. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he's always willing to fight for what he believes in. I think that the Dragon Ball Super manga does a good job of capturing this aspect of Goku's personality.

However, I also understand why some fans are frustrated with Goku's foolishness. It can be frustrating to see him make the same mistakes over and over again. I think that the manga could do a better job of showing Goku learning from his mistakes and growing as a character.

Overall, I think that the Dragon Ball Super manga is doing a good job of portraying Goku's character. He's still the same lovable goofball that we all know and love, but he's also learning to be more responsible and mature. I'm excited to see how Goku's character continues to develop in the future.