Akira Toriyama, the renowned Japanese manga artist known for creating the iconic Dragon Ball series, has sadly passed away at the age of 68 due to a brain condition. His production studio announced th...
Exploring the possibility of Beerus emerging as the ultimate antagonist in the Dragon Ball series. Could the heroes be gearing up to confront Beerus as the final villain of the franchise?
Explore the fascinating journey of Androids in the Dragon Ball series, from their inception to the latest developments. Delve into the evolution and significance of these mechanized characters within...
Discover the buzz surrounding Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero, the highly-anticipated addition to the popular franchise. Fans are eagerly awaiting the release of this thrilling new game announcement.
Explore how the iconic Super Saiyan transformations, while initially overused, paved the way for the development of more powerful and unique forms in the Dragon Ball series.
In the world of Dragon Ball, iconic duos like Goku and Vegeta have dominated. However, a new power duo of Gohan and Broly could be on the horizon, ready to challenge the status quo and rise as the str...
Delve into the legendary transformations of Gohan in Dragon Ball, each more iconic than the last. Which of these powerful forms left the greatest impact on the series?