Get Ready for More Nicole Kidman Promotions at Your Local AMC Theaters

Get Ready for More Nicole Kidman Promotions at Your Local AMC Theaters

Exciting news for movie lovers as Nicole Kidman's presence takes center stage at AMC theaters. No disappointments, just pure entertainment ahead!

AMC has announced a second phase for the iconic Nicole Kidman bumpers that will play before features begin. Starting March 1, three fresh 30-second commercials will be featured as the lights dim, taking viewers on a new cinematic journey.

AMC CEO Adam Aron commended the campaign as a key initiative to encourage audiences to return to the movies. During a call following quarterly earnings, Aron described how the campaign had gained a cult-like following and had become ingrained in the American zeitgeist. The ad was even parodied on SNL and utilized by Child's Play Chucky for a commercial, ultimately becoming a popular and easily replicable Halloween costume.

"For the first time in four years, starting in a couple of days, we are launching a new preshow on the screen and transitioning into phase two of the Nicole Kidman campaign. Over the past three years, a repetitive 60-second commercial has been shown before every movie."

Aron did not provide details on the nature of the vignettes audiences can expect, but the four new commercials will be randomly rotated in AMC theaters.

"When you go to watch a movie, you won't see three in a row," he explained. "However, as you continue watching movies, you will notice three different Nicole spots appearing randomly in our theaters before the show."

Editor's P/S:

The continuation of AMC's Nicole Kidman bumper campaign is an intriguing move that demonstrates the impact and popularity of the original ad. The cult-like following and widespread parodies highlight the cultural significance it has garnered. By introducing a second phase with fresh commercials, AMC aims to revitalize the campaign and further engage audiences.

The randomness of the commercial rotations adds an element of surprise and anticipation to the movie-going experience. Viewers will be eager to catch a glimpse of these new vignettes, creating a sense of intrigue and a desire to return to theaters to witness the full collection. AMC's strategic deployment of the commercials promises to enhance the cinematic journey and cement the Nicole Kidman bumpers as an iconic part of the movie-going experience.