Hulu has announced that Nine Perfect Strangers, the Nicole Kidman drama based on the Liane Moriarty novel, will be returning for a second season. The show takes place at Tranquillum House, a mysterious wellness retreat run by the captivating founder Masha (played by Kidman). The first season, which starred notable actors like Melissa McCarthy, Michael Shannon, and Regina Hall, followed the characters as they arrived at the retreat hoping for a relaxing experience, only to discover something completely different.
Following the debut of the season one finale in November 2021, Hulu has confirmed the renewal of Nine Perfect Strangers for a second season. According to TVLine, Kidman will reprise her role as Masha and also serve as an executive producer. Murray Bartlett, known for his recent roles in The White Lotus and HBO's Last of Us adaptation, is currently in talks to join the cast. The upcoming season, set in the Swiss Alps, will continue the theme of unveiling secrets about the characters and will also feature Maisie Richardson-Sellers, Liv Ullmann, Aras Aydin, and breakout star Dolly De Leon from Triangle of Sadness.
The characters in Nine Perfect Strangers were given a fitting ending in season 1. Director Jonathan Levine has expressed interest in introducing nine new characters, which seems to be happening. For those who have been following Nicole Kidman's television career, they will know that this is not her first time starring in an adaptation of a Liane Moriarty novel. Kidman's standout TV role was arguably Celeste in Big Little Lies.
Big Little Lies season 2, similar to Nine Perfect Strangers, was not initially guaranteed and was brought back in response to the positive reception of the first installment. However, the second season left a general impression that it was driven by awards buzz and audience demand rather than a genuine narrative or character-driven need.
Unlike Nine Perfect Strangers season 2, which does not have a second book to adapt from, the anthology format of the show allows for a fresh start. The initial episodes of Nine Perfect Strangers received mixed reviews, with critics noting weak points in the story but praising the strong performances. Now, no longer limited to a series, the dramatic thriller on Hulu has the potential to be revitalized by the introduction of new characters and setting.
Source: TVLine