Genshin Impact Version 4.3 Weapon Banners: A Comprehensive Overview

Genshin Impact Version 4.3 Weapon Banners: A Comprehensive Overview

The accidental reveal of the Weapon Banners for the Raiden and Yoimiya phase of Genshin Impact Version 4.3 has sent the community into a frenzy. This article provides an in-depth analysis of the upcoming weapon banners, highlighting the significance of signature weapons and their impact on character builds.


Genshin Impact Version 4.3 has brought an unexpected surprise to players as the Weapon Banners for the Raiden and Yoimiya phase have been accidentally revealed by HoYoverse. This revelation has provided players with an unprecedented opportunity to meticulously plan their gacha pulls ahead of time, ensuring that they make informed decisions when it comes to acquiring powerful weapons for their favorite characters.

The upcoming version not only introduces quality-of-life features but also boasts one of the strongest weapon banners in recent update history. This article delves into the significance of signature weapons, the impact they have on character power, and the exciting additions that await Genshin Impact players in Version 4.3.

Twitter article posted by Genshin Impact

The Power of Signature Weapons

In Genshin Impact, the power of characters can be significantly elevated by equipping them with weapons that complement their role in the team. The upcoming Version 4.3 introduces signature weapons, tailor-made for individual 5-Star characters, offering a unique opportunity to enhance their capabilities. It's important to note that not all signature weapons are created equal, with some being versatile enough to fit multiple characters perfectly.

For example, the Staff of Homa is considered the best option for both Hu Tao and Zhongli in a non-HP centered build, showcasing its versatility across different character setups. In the upcoming Version 4.3, the Mistsplitter, Thundering Pulse, and Engulfing Lightning are anticipated to be premium options, extending their value beyond the character they were designed for.

Additionally, the accidental reveal of the Weapon Banner for the second half of Version 4.3 has unveiled some interesting 4-Star weapon options, further enhancing the excitement surrounding the upcoming update.

Impact on Character Builds and Team Compositions

The significance of signature weapons extends beyond individual character power and directly impacts team compositions. Engulfing Lightning, for instance, is a great option for Zhongli if players don't have a spare Staff of Homa, while characters reliant on their Elemental Burst like Raiden, Xiangling, and Rosaria stand to benefit significantly from the weapon.

On the other hand, Thundering Pulse emerges as one of the best options for main DPS Bow characters, with characters like Yoimiya, Yelan, and a mono-Pyro Lyney team reaping the most benefits. The inclusion of Rust and Favonius Sword in the upcoming banner further solidifies the anticipation surrounding Kujou Sara's potential addition to Raiden's banner.

These weapons not only enhance the individual power of characters but also open up new team compositions that don't rely on mono-element setups. Players can expect an exciting shift in gameplay dynamics with the introduction of these signature weapons in Version 4.3.