Genshin Impact: Unveiling Lynette's Ultimate Constellation Guide for Maximum Power!
Unlocking Lynette's Constellations in Genshin Impact: Discover the potential of C1 - A Cold Blade Like a Shadow, C2 - Endless Mysteries, C4 - Tacit Coordination, and C6 - Watchful Eye Enhance Lynette's abilities and transform her from a mediocre unit to a formidable force
Lynette | Anemo | Sword | Fontaine |
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Constellation | Player Mistakes (coming soon) | ||
Lynette, in Genshin Impact, is an Anemo Sword user who possesses a straightforward kit. Her core gameplay revolves around utilizing her Elemental Skill to dash and continually execute Anemo attacks while she remains off the field. Furthermore, her Elemental Burst enhances her overall effectiveness in this regard.
Are Lynette Constellations Worth It In Genshin Impact?
As players unlock Lynette's Constellations in Genshin Impact, they gain access to additional passive effects that enhance her abilities. While these Constellations do contribute to her overall strength, it should be noted that they do not necessarily guarantee her proficiency as a top-tier character.
Lynette heavily relies on her Constellations in Genshin Impact, as they define her entire skill set. To fully utilize her potential, players must prioritize unlocking at least her first Constellation. This particular upgrade grants Lynette exceptional crowd control abilities, which are highly valued among Anemo users in Genshin Impact. For those aiming to optimize Lynette's effectiveness, obtaining all her Constellations is highly recommended, as each one significantly enhances her performance in various aspects.
Sadly, even with all the Constellations unlocked, Lynette does not reach the same level of support as Faruzan or Kujou Sara, who are considered top-tier. Hence, if players aim to make Lynette a meta character, then her Constellations are not worth investing in. However, if Travelers simply desire to play her for enjoyment, then yes, it is worth acquiring the enhancements.
C1 - A Cold Blade Like a Shadow
Effect: When Enigmatic Feint's Enigma Thrust hits an opponent with Shadowsign, a vortex will be created at that opponent's position that will pull nearby opponents in.
Lynette's initial Constellation bestows upon her the power to manipulate adversaries when employing her Elemental Skill. The passive effect of Lynette's first Constellation holds great significance for her overall abilities as it imparts her Elemental Skill with additional utility, beyond its mere power to weaken foes through the Viridescent Venerer set.
C2 - Endless Mysteries
Effect: Whenever the Bogglecat Box summoned by Magic Trick: Astonishing Shift fires a Vivid Shot, it will fire an extra Vivid Shot.
Importance: Low
From the start, Lynette’s Vivid Shots are quite limited in their functionality. They only offer a small amount of continuous Elemental application and do not cause any notable damage. These shots are essentially single-target Elemental balls that are fired every two seconds. Their purpose is to apply an aura to an enemy, which can then be spread around by Lynette's Bogglecat Box Swirl skill. Unfortunately, even if an extra Vivid Shot is obtained, it does not contribute significantly to Lynette's overall abilities, except for providing extra damage.
C4 - Tacit Coordination
Effect: Increases Enigmatic Feint's charges by 1.
Lynette heavily relies on her Elemental Skill once she unlocks her C1, using it to gather enemies. Additionally, she benefits greatly from the regenerating particles it generates for her Elemental Burst, particularly when she wields a Sacrificial Sword in Genshin Impact. Upon reaching Lynette's C4, she gains a valuable Sacrificial passive, granting her the ability to use her Elemental Skill twice. This proves incredibly advantageous for her role as a Sub-DPS or a Support, enhancing her overall utility.
C6 - Watchful Eye
Effect: When Lynette uses Enigmatic Feint's Enigma Thrust, she will gain an Anemo Infusion and 20% Anemo DMG Bonus for 6s.
Importance: Priority
Lynette's C6 unlocks numerous favorable opportunities within her basic toolkit. It grants Lynette the freedom to serve as both a Sub-DPS/Support, enabling her to engage in combat and effortlessly activate Swirl reactions with every single attack. This quality makes her an excellent candidate for holding the Viridescent Venerer artifact set.
Genshin Impact is currently accessible on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5, with a Switch version currently under development.