Genshin Impact: Unearth the Hidden Treasures of Dandelion Seeds

Genshin Impact's Dandelion Seeds are essential for recipes, commissions, and ascensions Don't miss out on these valuable resources! Discover their hidden locations: Outside City's Gate, Starfell Lake, Stormbearer Mountains, Starsnatch Cliff, Thousand Winds Temple, Windrise, Dadaupa Gorge, Cape Oath, Springvale, and Wolvendom
Dandelion Seeds are often overlooked, but they hold significant value in Genshin Impact. Despite their vital role in recipes and commissions, the game fails to provide guidance on obtaining these items or their location. Fortunately, there are several accessible farming spots where an abundance of Dandelion Seeds can be obtained.
In order to utilize the various applications of Dandelion Seeds in Genshin Impact, players must first locate and gather them. These seeds are known to appear in specific areas that guarantee their spawn every 48 hours.
Updated on July 6, 2023, by Nahda Nabiilah: Despite the introduction of multiple new regions, Mondstadt continues to be the main source of Dandelion Seeds in Genshin Impact. In version 3.8, only Jean and Eula require this local specialty for ascension. Acquiring Dandelion Seeds is not a challenging task, but players need to know where to search and how to harvest them. In addition to the usual method of gathering these seeds, players can also purchase them from Babak for 1,000 Mora and Karpillia for an astounding 60,000 Mora.
Dandelion Seed Locations In Genshin Impact
There are a total of 43 Dandelion Seeds in Genshin Impact, excluding the ones sold by random merchants who specialize in local products. When players come across a Dandelion, they must use Anemo to strike it. The Traveler or other Anemo characters like Jean, Venti, and Heizou can be used to obtain the Seeds in Genshin Impact. Dandelions are most commonly found in regions surrounding Mondstadt, including:
Outside the City’s gate
Starfell Lake and Stormbearer Mountains
Starsnatch Cliff and South of Thousand Winds Temple
Dadaupa Gorge and Cape Oath
Springvale and Wolvendom
Outside The City’s Gate
The best and easiest place to find them is actually right outside the city's gates, where nine Seeds will spawn after 48 hours.
Starfell Lake And Stormbearer Mountains
Collect around five Dandelion Seeds from the region between Starfell Lake and Stormbearer Mountains. Additionally, intrepid Travelers can venture north of Stormbearer Point to gather an additional Seed.
Starsnatch Cliff And South Of Thousand Winds Temple
Six Dandelion Seeds are collected from Starsnatch Cliff and south of Thousand Winds Temple.
To obtain Dandelion Seeds in Genshin Impact, players can consider visiting the Temple of the Falcon located just outside Mondstadt City. Upon approaching the temple, they may encounter a group of Anemo Slimes. However, it is worth noting that these slimes also serve as a reliable source of Dandelion Seeds. Additionally, for those seeking more of these seeds, they can find three of them to the south of the Windrise Statue of the Seven.
Dadaupa Gorge And Cape Oath
A total of eight Seeds are found by exploring Dadaupa Gorge and Cape Oath in Genshin Impact.
Springvale and Wolvendom
Finally, on the portion of land around Springvale and Wolvendom, players can find more Dandelion Seeds growing.
Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.