Genshin Impact: Master the Bubble Formation in The Narzissenkreuz Adventure for Guaranteed Success
Clearing the bubble formation in The Narzissenkreuz Adventure in Genshin Impact demands players to skillfully navigate through without being hit by the enemy's projectiles
The Bubble Formations in Genshin Impact can be cleared by speaking with the Hydro creatures of The Narzissenkreuz Adventure Team. It is revealed that Narcissus is attempting to steal the Princess' treasure and has created malicious bodies of water to attack unsuspecting individuals.
Players can clear the Bubble Formation by eliminating these bodies of water and obtaining a Hydrogranum. The process is relatively straightforward, as Travelers only need to identify and defeat the weak mini-bosses named Villain.
How To Clear The Bubble Formation In Genshin Impact
To eliminate Bubble Formation in Genshin Impact, players must interact with the Bubble and remove the Hydrogranum by pressing the prompted button. The interaction button will only appear when players are in close proximity to the Bubble, hence it is crucial to approach it safely.
When targeted by the Bubble in Genshin Impact, players should seek refuge behind objects such as the walls created by Crystals. If struck by the Bubble, Travelers will be transported back to the starting point and will need to repeat the process.
The first Crystal can be found at the edge of the far eastern mountain. An enemy will make an appearance after, defeat it and move to the next Bubble Formation
After vanquishing the Villain, a Hydro portal will materialize, transporting players to higher ground where yet another Crystal materializes. Attack it as before to summon condensed waterplanks, but this time, they guide to another Crystal. Continue attacking the Crystals and following each waterplank that appears until reaching the second Bubble. Dodge its assaults and eliminate its Hydrogranum to call forth another Villain.
, players will discover another Hydro portal leading to the final collection of Crystals. Head south to locate the first Crystal and unleash its power, revealing condensed waterplanks that form an intriguing open cube structure. Proceed in that direction and engage the second Crystal, triggering the appearance of several platforms. Ascend these platforms to encounter additional Crystals, which in turn summon more levitating platforms. Continuously strike and scale these platforms to progress further.
Ultimately, players will arrive at the third and ultimate Bubble. By removing the Hydrogranum, the character will descend into the final confrontation with the third Villain. Successfully defeating it will clear the Bubble Formation in Genshin Impact.
After successfully clearing the Bubble Formation, a Squirrel named Colonel Kate emerges. Believing that the Traveler and Paimon are the reinforcements promised by Ann, Colonel Kate takes charge and instructs everyone to gather and devise a strategy to permanently defeat the Bubble Formation. However, Paimon interrupts, informing Colonel Kate that they have already cleared the Bubble Formation. Realizing this, Colonel Kate departs, leaving the travelers to encounter Mori, who is guarding a statue of Princess Lyris. Following a brief conversation, a Luxurious Chest materializes as a reward.
Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.