Game of Thrones Actor Lambasts Shocking Finale, Reveals Character's Demise!

Game of Thrones Actor Lambasts Shocking Finale, Reveals Character's Demise!

An emotional revelation by a Game of Thrones actor, shedding light on the devastating impact of character assassination in the highly acclaimed HBO series' final seasons


The Game of Thrones series finale was disappointing, with rushed and predictable moments that left viewers unsatisfied.

Conleth Hill, the actor who played Lord Varys, believed that the fate of his character was unfair and expressed sorrow over how Varys' intelligence and significance diminished in the last seasons.

Given Varys' commitment to pursuing peace and working for the greater good, it is arguable that a more fitting conclusion should have been provided for him instead of simply being killed off, especially considering how he was overshadowed by the crafty Littlefinger.

The ending of Game of Thrones left viewers feeling unsatisfied, and actor Conleth Hill, who played Lord Varys, felt that his character was unfairly portrayed in the final seasons. The series finale was a disappointment for many fans who had hoped for a more ambitious and satisfying conclusion to the beloved fantasy series. Instead, it was a rushed collection of predictable moments that failed to please anyone. In just a few episodes, Daenerys went mad and Jon was forced to kill her, reminiscent of one of the worst X-Men movies. Jon was then banished, and the Starks were content with never seeing each other again. While the discourse surrounding the final season was not new, it did support Hill's belief that his character's ending was unjust.

In a devastating admission to The Times, Hill confessed that he initially held himself responsible for his character's transformation in the final seasons of Game of Thrones. After portraying the shrewd and compassionate spymaster, Varys, for eight seasons, he met a fiery fate at the hands of the Mad Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Conleth shared that he was, “Completely crushed to come so close and not reach the conclusion.”

Game of Thrones Actor Lambasts Shocking Finale, Reveals Character's Demise!

Hill expressed his dissatisfaction with the final seasons of Game of Thrones, specifically regarding the portrayal of Varys. He felt that the character's intelligence and knowledge were not effectively conveyed. Hill believes that there may have been a conflict between the writers and HBO regarding the direction of the show, resulting in a rushed ending. Despite initially being devastated, Hill has now come to terms with it.

Varys, a character in Game of Thrones, always prioritized the well-being of The Realm. He strongly believed in achieving peace and was even willing to sacrifice Ned to set an example. He urged Ned to falsely declare Joffrey's legitimacy to prevent further bloodshed and allow Ned to join Jon at The Wall. However, things did not go as planned, although Varys never stopped striving for the greater good. Unlike Baelish, Varys acted with sincerity and selflessness.

Varys, the intelligent individual who should not have been a target for dragons, displayed a notable strength in his intellect. It was highly uncharacteristic of him to place trust in the wrong individuals without any backup plan. Considering the immense loss of life and widespread devastation, even the Starks were denied the conclusion they deserved. This raises the question of why someone else, such as Varys, did not receive better treatment. It is unfortunate that whereas Littlefinger, the cunning character who thrived on political chaos, was given favor, Varys, who possessed a rare purity of heart in the realm of Westeros, met an unfortunate end. This is just one in a series of crimes committed against him.

All eight seasons of Game of Thrones can currently be streamed on Max.

Source: The Times