The Last of Us TV Show Faces Same Fate as Game of Thrones

HBO's The Last of Us Part 2 adaptation faces a dilemma similar to Game of Thrones as it nears the end of its source material With the first season covering the entirety of the first game, season 2 will soon exhaust its content, leaving the showrunners with the task of creating an original ending The release date of Part 3 remains unknown, leaving the show in a precarious position
The Last of Us is widely regarded as a gaming masterpiece, and HBO's adaptation of the beloved title has garnered critical acclaim as well. While the show's structure was a perfect fit for Part 1, it now faces a difficult decision as Season 2 delves into The Last of Us Part 2. With the first season covering the entirety of the first game, it won't be long before the show exhausts its source material. This situation is reminiscent of HBO's Game of Thrones, which had to create an original ending for the book series it was based on. The Last of Us Part 3's release date remains unknown, and HBO's The Last of Us may soon face the same challenges as Game of Thrones.
As the show attempts to adapt the second game, it faces the unknown challenge of how to handle the weighty narrative and themes. The Last of Us' human interactions, gameplay, and complex storyline have earned widespread praise, but with no follow-up to Part 2, the show must make tough decisions that may force it to take creative liberties with the source material.
The Last of Us May Follow In Game of Thrones' Footsteps
The Game of Thrones series was a powerhouse in its early seasons, but the HBO adaptation quickly caught up to the source material. In fact, the first season aired just before the release of the fifth book, A Dance With Dragons, and the remaining seasons were produced without a follow-up title. Similarly, The Last of Us will soon be in the same position, with its upcoming season covering the latest entry without any indication of when the follow-up, The Last of Us Part 3, will be released.
To avoid waiting for source material, Game of Thrones decided to move beyond George RR Martin's A Song of Fire and Ice series, a decision that proved successful as the final book in the series, The Winds of Winter, has yet to be completed, four years after the series ended. However, this decision may have caused a division within the fanbase due to differences between the on-screen adaptation and the books. If The Last of Us Part 3 is not released before HBO's multi-season adaptation of Part 2, it could face similar conflicts.
The Last of Us Show Can Avoid Game of Thrones' Biggest Mistakes
Adapting The Last of Us Part 2 to a TV series is going to be a challenging task. However, HBO can avoid the pitfalls that Game of Thrones faced by following the game's structure. The Last of Us Part 2 has a two-tone structure with two storylines: one in Jackson and the other following Abby's revenge. Splitting these into separate seasons would limit the show's ability to build upon its original elements and rob the story of its impact. Therefore, sticking to the game's structure is the best option for the TV adaptation of The Last of Us Part 2. This approach not only helps maintain the show's originality but also opens the door for a variety of original content. In addition, the multi-season format could ensure that Part 2's adaptation isn't stretched too thin and provide ample time for the release of The Last of Us Part 3.
The Last of Us season 1 is available to stream now on Max.