Game-Changing Cyberpunk 2077 20 Update: Enhancing Phantom Liberty to a Whole New Level!

Game-Changing Cyberpunk 2077 20 Update: Enhancing Phantom Liberty to a Whole New Level!

Despite the significant improvements brought by the 20 update to Cyberpunk 2077, the Phantom Liberty DLC seems to lack the advantage of one major change: the absence of a police force in Dogtown


Exciting Changes in the Highly Anticipated 2.0 Update for Cyberpunk 2077

Nevertheless, the latest DLC, Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, is set in the secluded district of Dogtown within Night City, devoid of any NCPD presence or access. Although players can freely explore the remaining parts of Night City, interacting with the NCPD and witnessing the revamped police system, the lack of NCPD presence in Dogtown seems like an odd omission considering the recent police restructuring.

CD Projekt Red recently released the much-anticipated 2.0 update for Cyberpunk 2077, which proved to be well worth the wait. The update brought significant improvements to various core aspects of the game, such as perks, combat, and the overall city environment. Of particular excitement was the introduction of a new and improved police system, where the NCPD now behaves more like actual law enforcement. This promises to add a new level of immersive open-world dynamics. However, the timing of this overhaul is rather peculiar for Cyberpunk 2077.

While the enhanced police system is a valuable addition, it unfortunately does not directly benefit the newly launched DLC, Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. This expansion takes players to the captivating district of Dogtown, which is isolated from the rest of Night City by walls. This separation means that the NCPD is not present within the district, thus players will not have the opportunity to engage with the upgraded police system during their DLC adventures. This absence is regrettable, considering the positive impact the new system has on the overall gameplay experience.

Phantom Liberty's Dogtown Has No Police Force

Game-Changing Cyberpunk 2077 20 Update: Enhancing Phantom Liberty to a Whole New Level!

The concept behind Dogtown in Cyberpunk 2077 is that it serves as an independent zone within Night City, governed by a military dictator. After the Unification War, Colonel Kurt Hansen of NUSA took control of that specific area in Pacifica. Despite the war's conclusion, Hansen refused to leave and instead established his own small society. Dogtown was designated as a combat zone, completely isolated from the rest of Night City, and governed by Hansen and his Militia. As a result, it has become a perilous and frightening place where only the strongest can truly survive. Fortunately, V appears to possess the necessary skills to navigate this dangerous environment.

Due to its separation from the rest of Night City, the NCPD does not have a significant presence in Dogtown. In fact, they are prohibited from entering, as the locals harbor animosity towards them. Instead, the Barghest militia, led by Hansen, serves as the de facto law enforcement in the area. However, they primarily prioritize their own desires and demands. Consequently, Dogtown is a war-torn region where players will witness ongoing clashes between the militia and other factions, along with instances of harassment towards locals. Furthermore, while exploring the dilapidated structures of Dogtown, V may even face threats of violence from the militia themselves.

Despite the lack of NCPD presence in Dogtown, this uniqueness separates it from the rest of Night City. However, players will not have the opportunity to experience the new police system during their Phantom Liberty adventures. This revamped system has completely transformed the way police function, mirroring the operations of real law enforcement. Police officers patrol the streets, actively pursue players who commit crimes, and employ various methods to apprehend them. Additionally, players can now eavesdrop on police radio communication and utilize quickhacking abilities on NCPD officers. Similar to Grand Theft Auto 5, these additions create thrilling scenarios where players must battle against all odds to survive in the unforgiving city.

Fortunately, players are not restricted to Dogtown when beginning the Phantom Liberty storyline. They have the freedom to explore the vast Night City at any time, allowing them to confront the NCPD whenever they desire. However, the absence of police presence in Dogtown remains conspicuous. Although it may be justified from a storytelling perspective, the decision to revamp the police system just a week prior to introducing a district without law enforcement does seem peculiar. Nevertheless, this timing does not detract from the overall experience or render the police overhaul unnecessary. Rather, it adds a sense of amusement to CD Projekt Red's approach.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.