Fortnite's Zero Build Under Threat: New Update Sparks Rumors of Removal

Fortnite's Zero Build Under Threat: New Update Sparks Rumors of Removal

Fortnite players brace for disappointment as rumors suggest the beloved Zero Build Mode may be axed in the upcoming update, leaving fans frustrated and concerned


Rumor has it Epic Games plans to remove Zero Build Mode from Fortnite, a feature that allows players to focus on gunplay without building structures.

The inclusion of the mode was initially in response to player requests and was intended to be temporary, but eventually became a permanent feature.

While some players express disappointment over the possibility of its removal, others view it as a revitalization of Fortnite's original gameplay. This change might present a challenge for casual players who are more accustomed to other battle royale games.

Epic Games plans to remove Fortnite's Zero Build Mode, which allowed players to focus solely on gunplay without the ability to construct structures for protection. Despite being initially introduced as a temporary feature over a year ago, it became permanent after numerous requests from dedicated players. While Fortnite's building mechanics made it unique among battle royale games, some players found Zero Build Mode to be a more competitive experience, as it eliminated the need to gather materials and build forts during intense gunfights.

Fortnite Chapter 5 is approaching and there are rumors that Zero Build Mode may be disabled. HYPEX, a prominent leaker, mentioned on Twitter that Fortnite is struggling to ensure smooth operation of the mode across most of the Chapter 1 map, suggesting it may be eliminated in the upcoming update.

Although Fortnite has yet to confirm this news, many players expressed their disappointment in HYPEX's replies, fearing the imminent loss of Zero Build Mode. Some players argued that removing this mode could discourage casual players who were initially drawn to Fortnite's direct combat. Conversely, a few individuals welcomed the idea of Fortnite returning to its original gameplay, with one suggesting a "builds only" battle royale. In addition to the removal of Zero Build Mode, HYPEX also reported that tactical sprinting and climbing may be temporarily disabled in Chapter 4 Season 5 and reintroduced in Chapter 5.

Fortnite Chapter 5 is expected to be released in late 2023, providing players with approximately one to two months to enjoy Zero Build Mode before it potentially becomes disabled. The concerns raised by some players about casual gamers abandoning Fortnite due to the game's challenging building mechanics are not unfounded. This is particularly applicable to those who are accustomed to other battle royale games like Apex Legends and PUBG, where the primary focus is on resource gathering, weapon acquisition, and engaging in combat.

At present, players are delighted by the reintroduction of Fortnite's original map. With the game now operating on Unreal Engine 5, players can immerse themselves in the intricacies of the map while vying for the highly coveted Victory Royale.

Fortnite is available for Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.