Fontaine Update In Genshin Impact Boosts Healers to Unprecedented Power

Fontaine Update In Genshin Impact Boosts Healers to Unprecedented Power

Genshin Impact Leak Reveals Fontaine Nation's Potential Boost to Healers, hinting at a significant power surge for characters with healing abilities in the highly anticipated upcoming update

The latest leak for Genshin Impact reveals that healers will play a more significant role in the highly anticipated Fontaine region, set to be introduced in update 4.0. With the release of a new major region, there is always great excitement as it brings forth fresh mechanics, such as double banners and a new element.

In the previous major nation, Sumeru, the game saw the introduction of Dendro, a new element that completely transformed the character meta. Dendro brought about numerous elemental reactions, providing much-needed versatility to the combat system.

In Genshin Impact, players have the ability to form a party consisting of up to four different characters, each with their own unique role. These roles range from main DPS to supports and healers. Among these characters is Zhongli, who serves as both a shielder and a powerful nuke support due to his impressive Elemental Burst ability, Planet Befall. Recent leaks on the Genshin Impact Leaks subreddit suggest that healers will play a more significant role in the upcoming Fontaine region, although the specifics of their increased relevance have not been revealed. Fans have speculated that healers may become valuable for the new diving mechanic teased during the recent Special Program event. It is possible that the game will introduce a separate bar for diving, indicating the character's remaining air supply. Once this bar depletes, the character will likely begin to slowly lose health. This is where Genshin Impact healers can truly shine, as they have the potential to extend the duration players can spend underwater, making them a crucial asset in this new gameplay element.

Recent updates in HoYoverse have aimed to revolutionize the game's character meta, particularly with regards to the skills of Sumeru characters. These skills now scale with Elemental Mastery, a stat that was previously overlooked by many players. Additionally, leaked information about the design of the Fontaine city in Genshin Impact indicates a fascinating twin-city concept.

According to the leaks, the main city of Fontaine will be divided into two conflicting parts, presenting a significant issue that players will need to address in the upcoming Archon Quest. Furthermore, rumors suggest that the Hydro Archon Focalors will possess the power to manipulate gravity through their Elemental Burst.

Genshin Impact is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, and mobile devices. A Switch version is in development.