Final Fantasy 16's Demo Unveils an Exciting Risk worth Taking

Final Fantasy 16's Demo Unveils an Exciting Risk worth Taking

Final Fantasy 16's demo successfully generated hype for the action RPG, but the main game also embraces a daring element that adds to its appeal Discover the captivating S-Tier Hunts and Chronoliths, essential must-play content for fans

The journey that players embark on in the main storyline of Final Fantasy 16 is truly unforgettable. From the heart-wrenching opening moments to the impactful climax, and all the thrilling battles against the powerful Eikons in between, players who solely concentrate on the main game will undoubtedly have an enjoyable experience. However, if they choose to overlook the additional content, they will be depriving themselves of some of the most remarkable gameplay in Final Fantasy 16. This will be particularly recognizable to those who have played the demo.

In the demo of Final Fantasy 16, players have the opportunity to engross themselves in the first two hours of the game, gaining insight into Clive's early years, which is likely sufficient to captivate fans with the story and its protagonist. Nevertheless, the gameplay within this demo's main section is not as extensive as what fans will encounter as Clive becomes an adult. They are given access to only a fraction of one Eikon's abilities. This is where the Eikon Challenge comes into play, although many fans may have disregarded it, just as they could have with the Chronoliths and S-Tier hunts.

Final Fantasy 16’s S-Tier Hunts and Chronoliths Are Must-Play Content

Final Fantasy 16's Demo Unveils an Exciting Risk worth Taking

Final Fantasy 16 players may have overlooked the Eikon Challenge in the demo due to its name implying a combat arena or side content. However, this would have been a mistake, as the Eikon Challenge offers the best gameplay experience in the demo. Players can engage in battles with three Eikons and face off against main story bosses, which can potentially win them over to the action combat. Unfortunately, Square Enix fails to effectively encourage demo players to try the Eikon Challenge, and the same can be said for the main game's top side content.

The side quests in Final Fantasy 16 are a topic of debate, as they provide good storytelling, but often involve fetching items. Despite this, Square Enix makes efforts to entice players to participate in them. These quests are marked on the maps, appear on the player's HUD when Clive approaches them, and can be accessed through a quest manager in the hideaway. However, the same level of encouragement is not given for accessing the hunt board. Only a small yellow dot indicates the availability of new hunts after the initial introduction, leaving players with minimal motivation to engage with it.

This is an unusual decision considering the exceptional quality of the S-tier hunts in Final Fantasy 16. Engaging in battles against massive dragons or Behemoths with unique abilities, these optional fights offer a greater challenge compared to most main story fights, pushing players to their limits. They provide an excellent opportunity for those who find the main game too easy to experience a more challenging gameplay. However, some players may overlook them due to their optional nature. Even the lower-tier hunts, like a toucan-like chocobo that demands constant dodging, leave a lasting impression. Combat enthusiasts should not pass up the opportunity to engage with these hunts.

Furthermore, Chronoliths are another example of exceptional content that players may overlook. These time trials remain hidden and undisclosed to players, requiring them to explore the open areas of Final Fantasy 16 to discover each Chronolith. However, players may not be able to access these trials if they find them early on, as they may lack the necessary Eikon tied to the trial. Regrettably, this may lead players to move on without returning. It is a shame, as some of these trials are legitimately challenging and offer valuable rewards. Striving for improved scores in the main Chronolith Trials, as well as unlocking the Final Trials upon completing the original version, proves to be delightfully engaging. Players must employ strategic thinking in exploiting their abilities to gain more time, adding to the enjoyment of these trials.

While hunts at the Hideaway have a board and a cute Moogle nearby to encourage visits, Chronoliths are easily overlooked. Considering their potential for fun and the effort put into their design, this seems like a risky decision by Square Enix. Adding hidden side content makes exploration rewarding, but when the Chronoliths are as well-hidden as they are or when the Hunts aren't advertised enough, many players might miss out on them completely. Just like how the most enjoyable combat in the Final Fantasy 16 demo was limited to a second mode and overlooked by many, some of the best fights in the full game can also be found outside of the main story. Hopefully, players will still give them the attention they deserve despite these challenges.

Final Fantasy 16 is now exclusively available on PS5.