Federal Grand Jury Expected to Hear Testimony from Accusers of Sean 'Diddy' Combs

Federal Grand Jury Expected to Hear Testimony from Accusers of Sean 'Diddy' Combs

Reports indicate that federal investigators are gearing up to present accusers of music icon Sean 'Diddy' Combs before a federal grand jury, suggesting a potential indictment may be on the horizon. Stay tuned for the latest developments in this high-profile legal case.

Federal investigators are getting ready to present accusers of music mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs to a federal grand jury, as reported by two sources familiar with the investigation. This suggests that the US Justice Department is moving closer to possibly seeking an indictment against Combs.

According to one source, potential witnesses have been informed by investigators that they may need to testify in front of a federal grand jury in New York City. If individuals who have filed civil lawsuits against Combs are called before the grand jury, it would signify a significant escalation in the government’s ongoing probe involving the producer and Bad Boy Records founder.

Combs has faced eight civil lawsuits since November, with seven accusing him directly of sexual assault. One of the lawsuits, filed by his former girlfriend Cassie Ventura, has already been settled. Another lawsuit alleged that his son Christian Combs committed sexual assault, with Sean Combs being accused of aiding and abetting.

A spokesperson for the Homeland Security Investigations agency (HSI) chose not to comment on the existence of a grand jury, but mentioned that the investigation is still ongoing.

The potential witnesses in the federal probe into Combs have not been prepared for testimony yet, according to sources. The HSI investigators are still gathering evidence and questioning potential sources. One source mentioned that the investigators are being meticulous to make sure that any potential indictment is solid.

Grand juries, made up of regular people, play an important role for prosecutors. They help with investigations by approving subpoenas for documents and witnesses, and they also vote on whether to charge suspects with a crime. Using a grand jury indicates that a case has progressed beyond the initial stage where investigators determine if there are possible legal violations.

Federal authorities have spoken with several individuals who have accused Combs.

Combs’ homes in Los Angeles and Miami were searched in March. According to CNN, the rapper and entrepreneur was under investigation by a Department of Homeland Security team specializing in human trafficking crimes, with a particular focus on sex trafficking.

CNN has now learned from additional sources that federal investigators have interviewed most of the plaintiffs who have filed civil suits against Combs.

Combs has denied many of the civil suits brought against him, although he has not addressed all of the accusations. In December 2023, following the filing of four lawsuits, Combs took to social media to vehemently deny the claims. He stated that the allegations were "sickening" and suggested that the accusers were simply seeking a fast payout. Combs emphasized, "Let me make it crystal clear: I am innocent of the terrible things being claimed against me."

Members of law enforcement are seen outside of Sean

Members of law enforcement are seen outside of Sean "Diddy" Combs' home in Los Angeles on March 25.

Members of law enforcement are seen outside of Sean "Diddy" Combs' home in Los Angeles on March 25.


CNN reported in March, based on information from a law enforcement source, that the investigation into Sean Combs is connected to multiple sexual assault allegations mentioned in various civil lawsuits. However, it has been revealed that the investigation is broader, covering sex trafficking, money laundering, and illegal drugs.

HSI, apart from looking into human trafficking, also handles cases related to smuggling of narcotics and other forms of organized criminal activities.

One of the sources familiar with the investigation mentioned that it goes beyond just the lawsuits. Federal investigators are now going further into the case, with some accusers being questioned multiple times, according to a source. Another source confirms the ongoing depth of the investigation.

Accusers who have spoken to federal agents during the investigation are actively cooperating with investigators. Some have handed over evidence they believe may be helpful in the probe. Investigators are also questioning new individuals, including corroborating witnesses of accusers.

Evidence collected includes video footage from Combs' residences.

Federal agents have a video from inside Combs' residences that were searched recently. It's not clear if the video was taken during the raids or obtained from people being questioned by investigators.

According to a source, the agents are reaching out to individuals who appear in the tapes.

During the investigation, a male sex worker who claims to have been victimized by Combs was questioned, according to a source. This individual was seen in footage that federal investigators have in their possession.

In some lawsuits against Combs, accusers have claimed that they were recorded having sex without their consent and were only informed afterward. Combs has not addressed this accusation directly but issued a blanket denial in December 2023.

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"Diddy" facing more abuse allegations


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In some civil suits, Combs is accused of drugging multiple individuals. Two recent lawsuits filed against Combs last week by former fashion student April Lampros and former model Crystal McKinney both allege that Combs drugged them. Lampros claims that Combs forced her to take ecstasy, demanded she have sexual intercourse with one of his former girlfriends, and then raped her.

Combs has not responded to CNN’s requests for comment following the filing of these two lawsuits.

Combs is facing allegations in a civil suit from last November. The suit claims that he drugged and sexually assaulted Joi Dickerson-Neal in 1991 when she was a college student. Dickerson-Neal also accused Combs of secretly recording the assault and later sharing it as revenge porn.

Combs' legal team has filed a motion to dismiss parts of the suit. They have not directly responded to the specific allegations of drugging or secret recordings. A spokesperson for Combs stated that the complaint is fabricated and lacks credibility, dismissing the accusations as an attempt to extort money. The motion to dismiss, which is still pending, describes Dickerson-Neal's claims as false, offensive, and scandalous.

Editor's P/S:

The investigation into Sean "