Exploring the Epic Scale: Unveiling the Enormous Script of Final Fantasy 16's Clive

Exploring the Epic Scale: Unveiling the Enormous Script of Final Fantasy 16's Clive

The Japanese voice actor of Clive in Final Fantasy 16 shares an image displaying the staggering size of the game's script, emphasizing the immense scale and depth awaiting players in this highly anticipated installment

The Japanese voice actor for Clive, the protagonist of Final Fantasy 16, has unveiled the staggering scale of the game's script. Breaking records in terms of cutscene lengths, the game boasts a cumulative runtime surpassing that of the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Final Fantasy 16 is placing great emphasis on its narrative. It has long been known that the game's cutscenes would be remarkably lengthy. Naturally, this immersive storytelling necessitates a significant contribution from the voice actors portraying the main characters. To give fans a visual representation of the sheer volume of voice acting involved in Final Fantasy 16, Yuuya Uchida, the Japanese voice actor for Clive, recently shared an awe-inspiring image showcasing a script of extraordinary proportions.

The official Twitter account of Yuuya Uchida shared a picture of him holding the script for Clive, with a caption expressing his excitement for the day. The script appears to be quite lengthy, reaching from the floor up to almost his chin, and could be overwhelming to read and carry. Additionally, the storyline of Final Fantasy 16 is said to be complex, which could further add to the challenge of delivering the extensive dialogue. Notably, this game marks the first time in the franchise's history that the English version of the script is recorded prior to the Japanese voice recording. While the exact length of the English script is unknown, it is expected to be even larger than the already substantial one showcased by Yuuya Uchida. It would be intriguing if Ben Starr, the English voice actor for Clive, were to share a comparison picture to satisfy the curiosity of fans.

The release of Final Fantasy 16 has generated a wave of positive reviews, particularly with regards to its action-packed gameplay. However, opinions on the story vary, ranging from favorable to some finding it unremarkable. While an average story may not be detrimental to a video game, the abundance of narrative in Final Fantasy 16 could expose any shortcomings in the script that may hinder player engagement. As the game is still in its early stages, dedicated fans of the franchise will soon voice their thoughts on whether the extensive script was a worthwhile endeavor or not.