Exclusive: Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Ditches Major Villain – Shocking Plot Twist Revealed!

Exclusive: Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Ditches Major Villain – Shocking Plot Twist Revealed!

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League introduces a diverse roster of Arkham characters, but Killer Croc's potential as a playable villain seems to have waned Despite his grotesque appearance, the character feels overused and lacks the same impact as in Arkham Origins or Arkham Knight


The inclusion of new playable characters in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League post-launch is a smart move, especially for maintaining the emphasis on four-player co-op.

Deathstroke is definitely a popular option for a playable character, although Rocksteady and WB Games Montreal have introduced numerous beloved villains.

Additionally, Killer Croc, who has made appearances in every game of the Arkham series, would make a fantastic addition as a playable character, even if his character arc may have concluded.

Rocksteady's decision to announce that new playable characters would be added to Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League post-launch was a stroke of genius. This announcement was cleverly integrated into the official gameplay showcase, which aired before the game's latest delay. While it is expected that there may be changes during the development and launch process, especially with the delay, the addition of new characters would be an excellent idea to maintain the game's focus on four-player co-op. Fortunately, there are already several strong candidates for these new characters.

Without a doubt, one of the top choices for a playable character would be Deathstroke, who made his debut in Arkham Origins. Deathstroke's appearance in WB Games Montreal's prequel installment was memorable, despite not having a substantial role. Although he did make a return in Rocksteady's Arkham Knight, his presence was limited to a militia tank battle, which left fans wanting more. Therefore, including Deathstroke as a playable character in Suicide Squad would be highly satisfying. However, another character who has made an appearance in every Arkham game may have a lower chance of being featured.

Killer Croc is Far from His Arkham Origins Prime

Exclusive: Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Ditches Major Villain – Shocking Plot Twist Revealed!

Arkham's Killer Croc has sported various looks throughout the series, making it highly desirable to have Waylon Jones as a playable character in the Kill the Justice League DLC. In Arkham Asylum, Croc's initial appearance as a towering and voracious creature is truly daunting, cautioning players to tread lightly in his lair. As for Arkham City, many fans could easily overlook Croc's brief appearance while exiting the sewers after battling Ra's al Ghul. However, it holds significance since Batman actually converses with him rather than merely finding traces of his presence.

Moving to Arkham Origins, Croc undergoes a significant visual transformation, appearing much younger, leaner, and adopting a more humanoid fighter persona. Yet, Arkham Knight takes his visual overhaul to the extreme, depicting him as a monstrous entity with alarming yellow eyes and a distorted physique, complete with a lengthy tail. Additionally, Croc's scaly hide evolves to feature spikes, with the revelation that he and other creatures were subjected to traumatic experiments at Iron Heights penitentiary.

Arkham Knight’s Killer Croc is Grotesque But Stretched Thin

Exclusive: Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Ditches Major Villain – Shocking Plot Twist Revealed!

This is an emotional and heart-wrenching exploration of the previously straightforward antagonist. Similar to Mr. Freeze's transformation in Arkham Knight, Croc's character development is commendable, even though he now finds himself in a more tragic state. While Croc still resists the idea of change, there is a sympathetic reason behind his desire for redemption. If not for his current situation, Croc could have been an exceptional addition to Kill the Justice League as a post-launch character. However, it appears that his story arc may have come to an end.

Croc's presence in the game would have paralleled King Shark as another brute character, presenting an opportunity for Rocksteady to introduce two characters with similar playstyles. Yet, Croc is no longer the creature he once was. Perhaps it would be more fitting to allow Croc to retire and recover from the torment he endured. However, playing as him and crawling on all fours while battling hordes of Brainiac aliens could be immensely enjoyable. Additionally, it would make sense for Croc to wield heavy weaponry like King Shark, and Rocksteady has a wealth of material from their previous games to draw inspiration from when considering unique abilities for Croc in Kill the Justice League's shooter gameplay.

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League releases on February 2, 2024, for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.