Exclusive Footage: Shannen Doherty Reveals Terrifying Experience of Brain Surgery During Cancer Fight

Exclusive Footage: Shannen Doherty Reveals Terrifying Experience of Brain Surgery During Cancer Fight

Shannen Doherty bravely shares a personal video from her recent brain surgery after announcing that her stage IV breast cancer has spread She expresses her fear, but also her determination to fight and stay positive

Exclusive Footage: Shannen Doherty Reveals Terrifying Experience of Brain Surgery During Cancer Fight

Shannen Doherty. Frank Micelotta/Fox/Picturegroup/Shutterstock

Shannen Doherty is taking her followers on a candid journey through her cancer fight. The former Beverly Hills, 90210 star, who recently disclosed that her stage IV breast cancer had metastasized to her brain, posted a video on Instagram on June 14th. The footage showed her getting ready for brain surgery in January.

Rewritten fragment: The Heathers actress shared a candid video on January 16, 2023, where she spoke to medical staff and cracked jokes before her surgery to remove a tumor in her head and conduct a biopsy. In her caption, she admitted to trying to be brave but feeling petrified due to overwhelming fear of bad outcomes, leaving her mom behind, and not being the same person after the surgery. Doherty's video resonated with her fans, who praised her for her honesty and openness.

One comment in the section reads, "There will be individuals who will come across this article and they might be going through similar experiences or know someone who is. Your story will make them feel less alone." Another comment praises the author for their bravery in sharing the harsh realities of cancer, stating, "You are a true inspiration for showing the real bullsh%t that goes with cancer. It’s not all pink ribbons and fundraising walks. Thank you!!!!!!!"

The Charmed alum’s video comes shortly after she revealed her cancer had spread throughout her body.


In a heartfelt Instagram post on June 6, Doherty shared her fear and anxiety regarding her cancer treatment. Despite having great doctors and the support of the amazing techs at Cedar Sinai, she admitted to feeling extremely claustrophobic during her first round of radiation, which took place on January 12. With the added stress of everything else going on in her life, Doherty's experience highlights the emotional toll cancer can take on a person. Doherty's journey with cancer started in 2015 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. While she initially went into remission after undergoing chemotherapy, she revealed in February 2020 that her cancer had returned and had worsened.

"It's a hard reality to accept," she expressed to Good Morning America when asked about her diagnosis. In recent months, Doherty gained attention online for publicly addressing SAG-AFTRA, including its current president Fran Drescher, for neglecting her healthcare requirements.

In March 2023, via Instagram, the individual expressed their concerns regarding the abandonment of members who are unable to work due to health reasons, despite having worked and paid dues to @sagaftra since the age of 10. They believe that the union can improve their support for all members and that @Officialfrandrescher is the person to lead this effort. Furthermore, the individual argues that health insurance should not be based on annual income but rather on a lifetime contribution, as they and many others have paid dues for their entire lives only to be denied coverage due to current criteria. This is deemed unacceptable.

As her situation worsened, Doherty revealed her deepest desire for "enhanced research and development towards discovering a cure for cancer."

Despite the challenges of having stage IV cancer, her determination to increase awareness, raise funds, and promote research for cancer patients persisted. In an interview with Entertainment Tonight in December 2021, Doherty shared her constant goal to not only help herself but also others who are battling cancer.