Exciting Update Released for Baldur's Gate 3 on PC and PS5

Discover the latest hotfix for Baldur's Gate 3, addressing major in-game issues and offering solutions for key Minthara-centric problems. Dive into the improvements and enhancements brought by this significant update.
Hotfix #21 has been released for PC and PS5, addressing common issues that players have been facing. This update also brings back some quality-of-life features that players enjoyed but were previously removed. Unfortunately, the release of Hotfixes #20 and #21 for Xbox has been delayed due to a bug causing the game to crash on the console.
Gaming for Baldur's Gate 3 players has been a rollercoaster since the release of Patch 6 in mid-February. While Patch 6 introduced new animations and set the foundation for new dialogue for certain characters, it also brought along some performance and graphics issues for players. These issues ranged from mildly annoying to game-breaking, causing frustration for many players.
Baldur's Gate 3 Hotfix #21 addresses various issues in the game. One of the key fixes is the correction of the Enemy of Justice tag, which was causing NPCs to act hostile in certain areas. This means players can now progress through Mountain Pass, Créche Y'llek, the Shadow-Cursed Lands, and the Lower City without unnecessary hostility.
Minthara continues to receive attention in this update, following on from Hotfix #20. The update now ensures that the game recognizes her knockout as a defeat, allowing players to complete the goblin camp quest. Additionally, Minthara will no longer reveal spoilers related to Act 3 in earlier interactions.
In terms of quality-of-life improvements, Hotfix #21 brings back some fan-favorite features for inventory management. Players can once again send items to companions' inventories using the Traveler's Chest or back at camp. The traders' menus have also been adjusted, addressing ongoing issues that arose from Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 6.
Minthara from Baldur's Gate 3
Xbox users may experience a slight delay in receiving Baldur's Gate 3 Hotfixes #20 and #21, but rest assured, Larian Studios is working diligently to address reported crashes on the console. The developers are focused on finding a solution to ensure that Xbox players can soon enjoy the latest updates for Baldur's Gate 3.
Baldur's Gate 3 Hotfix #21 Patch Notes
Fixed an issue where Avatars were no longer in the party causing a crash.
Fixed a problem where if Gale sacrificed himself atop the Netherbrain, it would result in your character being killed, leaving you as a mote in the epilogue without the ability to communicate with anyone.
Fixed a bug in multiplayer where your character could get stuck when using the Eavesdrop option while another player triggers a cinematic dialogue.
Added more error checks to handle situations when the game has trouble loading a saved file.
Fixed a crash on Xbox that could occur when 2 clients join at the same time.
Fixed a crash on Xbox that could occur when pressing Left or Right Trigger.
Fixed a crash during the transition between a dialogue with Dame Aylin and Shadowheart's dream about her childhood.
Fixed a crash when switching characters in Character Creation.
Made the 'Sell Wares' and 'Offer Wares' buttons work for all party members in a trading session instead of just the character with the wares in their inventory.
Enabled multiselection in the Trade UI for keyboard and mouse. Also fixed 'Buy Back' prices.
Fixed a bug causing party gold to initially be set to 0 when trading or bartering, giving you an 'Insufficient Gold' warning, no matter how much you actually had.
Fixed issue where the 'Send To' option was not displaying camp characters in the context menu when selecting multiple items.
Now, when selling a container to a trader and switching to a different character in the Trade/Barter UI, you can no longer use the ‘Take All’ option to transfer the trader’s stock to your inventory.
Restored the feature that allows you to send items to your camp companions even when you are not at the camp. This was a popular quality-of-life feature that many of you missed, so we have brought it back!
We also fixed a bug that was allowing players to put equipment in slots where they didn't belong. So, please make sure to remove those gloves from your feet!
Fixed long Waypoint names sometimes clipping in the map on keyboard and mouse.
Restored the 'Send To' and 'Pick Up' options in the context menu for items in the Traveller's Chest.
We have addressed an issue where changing the binding of the left mouse button would unintentionally disable its clicking function.
Furthermore, we have resolved an issue with the 'Sort By' feature not functioning correctly for containers and inventories when sorting by the same filter consecutively.
We have resolved the issue with the 'Sort By' function not working for corpse inventories.
Additionally, we have fixed an exploit that allowed players to obtain free items from a trader by quickly exiting the Trade UI while transferring an item to the Barter UI inventory.
Fixed the issue with the Upcast view on the hotbar closing prematurely when changing Upcast selection, requiring selection of maximum targets. Additionally, corrected the hotbar to accurately display the current spell state after altering Metamagic selection.
After destroying the Steel Watch Foundry, a dialogue that was not triggering has been fixed. This issue occurred when all the Gondians, including Zanner, died.
Another bug has been fixed which caused Minthara to repeatedly greet the player with a specific message that also turned out to be a small spoiler for Act III.
Fixed the issue where the owlbear cub would disappear from camp. It just wandered off and got lost.
Fixed the problem with the crime dialogue for trespassing being repeated near the Steel Watch Foundry. This happened if you set off the alarm at the door and then saved the game while still in the restricted area outside the Foundry.
An issue was resolved where having Minthara in the party could accidentally teleport the group to the Emerald Grove instead of the Lower City.
Another problem was fixed where Wyll's quest would not begin if you recruited him while already having another companion in the party.
Upon reaching Créche Y'llek or the Shadow-Cursed Lands, the 'Enemy of Justice' condition will now apply to your player character. This change is triggered if you knocked out Minthara in a previous region. Additionally, if you killed a guard at Moonrise Towers and Araj Oblodra witnessed it, the same condition will be applied upon reaching the Lower City.
A bug has been fixed where the game would not recognize that Minthara had been defeated in Act I if you took a Long Rest between knocking her out and defeating the other goblin leaders.
You can no longer save your game while the credits are rolling. This is to prevent issues with the game not knowing which state to load.
Fixed players not being able to join a friend's game on Xbox.
You can now cancel the lobby search function with the B button on Xbox.
Editor's P/S:
Baldur's Gate 3 Hotfix #21 has brought a wave of relief to PC and PS5 players, addressing numerous issues that have plagued the game since the release of Patch 6. The correction of the Enemy of Justice tag and the recognition of Minthara's defeat are significant improvements that enhance gameplay. Additionally, the restoration of popular quality-of-life features, such as inventory management and camp companion interactions, has been met with enthusiasm.
However, Xbox users remain in anticipation of Hotfixes #20 and #21 due to a lingering crash bug. Larian Studios' dedication to resolving this issue is reassuring, but the delay is undoubtedly disappointing. Nonetheless, the comprehensive patch notes and ongoing support for all platforms demonstrate the developers' commitment to providing a polished and enjoyable gaming experience for Baldur's Gate 3 fans.