Exciting Additions Coming to Call of Duty: MW3 and Warzone

Exciting Additions Coming to Call of Duty: MW3 and Warzone

Get ready for the latest Season 2 Reloaded update in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone, as two new exciting weapons are being introduced to enhance your gaming experience.

Exciting news for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone fans! The upcoming Season 2 Reloaded update, launching on March 6, will introduce two new weapons for players to enjoy. Just like previous updates, completing in-game challenges will allow players to unlock these new weapons for free.

Prepare for one of the biggest updates yet for Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone in Season 2 Reloaded. Along with new maps, Aftermarket Parts, and seasonal events, players can look forward to new operator bundles inspired by Godzilla x Kong, Dune: Part Two, and Warhammer 40,000. By completing challenges, players can also unlock two new weapons and various weapon camos to enhance their gameplay experience.

New Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone Season 2 Reloaded Weapons

Players of Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone will have the opportunity to tackle fresh challenges in order to acquire the Soulrender melee weapon and the SOA Subverter battle rifle once Season 2 Reloaded goes live. The Soulrender, a ceremonial sword, comes with distinctive slashing modes that are activated by using the aim and fire buttons. By pressing the aim button, players can unleash rapid slashing attacks, while holding the fire button readies a heavy slash capable of inflicting significant damage. To obtain the Soulrender along with its new Omnigenesis weapon camo, players must complete a series of new in-game challenges, including those introduced in the mid-season sector of the Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone Season 2 Battle Pass.

Soulrender melee weapon

Acquired from the new mid-season sector in the Season 2 Battle Pass

SOA Subverter battle rifle

Acquired from a new weekly challenge

Modern Warfare 3 Warzone SOA Subverter - The new SOA Subverter is a battle rifle that fires 7

Modern Warfare 3 Warzone SOA Subverter - The new SOA Subverter is a battle rifle that fires 7

The new SOA Subverter is a powerful battle rifle that uses 7.62 caliber rounds, making it ideal for mid-to-long range combat. It has a lower fire rate but manageable recoil, allowing for precise shots. Despite the slower rate of fire, it still has the highest fire rate in its class and can take down enemies in just three to four shots without armor plates. You can unlock the SOA Subverter by completing a weekly challenge in Call of Duty, and by completing specific challenges, you can earn Fjord, Tidepool, and Dopamine weapon camos for this rifle. With the right attachments, the SOA Subverter has the potential to become a favorite among the top battle rifles in Modern Warfare 3.

Players in Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone may be more interested in getting the SOA Subverter than the Soulrender. The battle rifle is considered to be very strong in the current meta. However, skilled players who can quickly approach enemies in multiplayer may still find the Soulrender to be a deadly weapon. In Season 2 Reloaded, Warzone's new point of interest could lead players to try out the new weapons in thrilling gunfights before returning to their usual loadouts.

Editor's P/S:

The Season 2 Reloaded update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone promises exciting new content, including two new weapons. The Soulrender, a ceremonial sword with unique slashing modes, adds a fresh dimension to close-quarters combat. The SOA Subverter, a powerful battle rifle, offers precision and damage at mid-to-long range.

Both weapons require players to complete challenges to unlock them, encouraging active participation and rewarding skilled gameplay. The in-game challenges also provide opportunities to earn weapon camos, further enhancing the customization options for players. The anticipation for this update is high, as players eagerly await the chance to experience these new weapons and the other content Season 2 Reloaded has to offer.