Euphoria: Unveiling Fez's Iconic Words of Wisdom

Euphoria: Unveiling Fez's Iconic Words of Wisdom

Fezco's unforgettable quotes in Euphoria showcase his loyalty, honesty, and determination From protecting Rue to confronting Nate, these moments define his iconic character


Fez is a fan favorite character in the show Euphoria for being kind and mature, despite being a drug dealer.

Fez is renowned for his easygoing charm and unforgettable quips, demonstrating his cleverness and composure in a range of circumstances.

Throughout the show, Fez's unwavering loyalty and instinctive protectiveness shine through as he goes to extraordinary measures to shield and nurture his friends, fearlessly confronting perilous adversaries.

In the popular HBO drama series Euphoria, Fez emerges as the fan favorite among a cast of iconic characters. Despite the insecurities and instabilities experienced by others in the ensemble, Fez remains a comparatively calm figure. Despite his occupation as a drug dealer, Fez stands out as one of the kindest and most mature characters in Euphoria, although the show doesn't set a particularly high standard in this regard.

The quotes attributed to Fezco accurately depict his laid-back demeanor, lazily delivered in the distinctive voice of Angus Cloud. Whether being dramatic or delightfully humorous, Fez's lines in season 1 leave a lasting impression, cementing his status as a scene-stealing supporting character. This quality contributes to his overall likability and popularity among viewers. Subsequently, in season 2, Fez's role expands and offers a deeper exploration of his backstory, presenting him with additional screen time to deliver more memorable and quotable lines.

11 "Listen, Man, I'm Sayin' You Keep F****** With Rue And Her Friends, I'mma Kill You."

Threatening Nate

Euphoria: Unveiling Fez's Iconic Words of Wisdom

Nate Jacobs, one of Euphoria's most despicable characters, found himself on the receiving end of Fez's protective instincts when he decided to toy with Rue and Jules. Unperturbed by Fez's warnings, Nate persistently belittled the drug dealer's intellect and dark past. However, Fez stood his ground, maintaining unwavering eye contact with Nate, and issuing a chilling threat of potential murder. This rare glimpse of Fez's anger demonstrates the lengths he is willing to go to safeguard those he cherishes. Ultimately, Fez followed through on his promise by launching an attack on Nate in the second season.

10 "Sup?"

Meeting Ashtray

Euphoria: Unveiling Fez's Iconic Words of Wisdom

Fez may have the best Fezco quotes, but his words are always few. Whether it's a friend, foe, or even a stranger, his greeting is always a nonchalant "sup." This calm demeanor was evident from the beginning of the second season. In a flashback, a young Fez discovers a baby crawling in his grandmother's drug-infested home. Without concerning himself with the baby's origin, Fez simply utters his customary "sup." This seemingly insignificant greeting becomes significant when we learn that the baby is Ashtray, his adoptive brother. The quote encapsulates the essence of Fez's character, as he remains unfazed by Ashtray's sudden presence.

9 Hell The F*** No

Rejecting Rue's Drug Offer

Euphoria: Unveiling Fez's Iconic Words of Wisdom

As Rue's addiction escalates in season 2, she makes an attempt to convince Fez to become her supplier. She proposes acting as a middleman, procuring drugs from Fez and distributing them to others in their high school. However, Fez possesses a keen understanding of Rue's situation and realizes she may end up consuming the drugs herself. Therefore, he flatly refuses her offer, emphatically stating "Hell the f*** no" repeatedly until Rue eventually departs. This quote serves as a testament to Fez's unwavering concern for Rue despite her ongoing battle with addiction.

8 "I Don't Know How To Help But I Can Tell You One Thing. This Drug S***, It's Not The Answer."

Trying To Help Rue

Euphoria: Unveiling Fez's Iconic Words of Wisdom

While Fez typically respects others' privacy, he genuinely cares about his close friends. When he unexpectedly ran into Rue at a party, he took the opportunity to convey to her that relying on drugs wouldn't alleviate the pain she was experiencing. In spite of their limited communication, Rue and Fez have formed a meaningful friendship in the world of Euphoria. Fez's words may appear contradictory, considering his involvement in the drug trade. Nonetheless, he recognizes the destructive nature of his product and seeks to prevent Rue from enduring the same tragic fate as his other customers. Despite offering advice, Fez approaches the conversation with genuine concern, avoiding any condescension.

7 "As Your Friend, I Got You."

Proving His Friendship

Euphoria: Unveiling Fez's Iconic Words of Wisdom

Fez occasionally takes on a parental role with Rue, affectionately calling her "kid." This quote highlights Fez's unwavering commitment to supporting Rue in her journey to sobriety. During one of their typical party encounters, Rue apologized to Fez for always being a burden. Additionally, she expressed gratitude for his recent decision not to sell her any drugs, a promise that Fez honored throughout both season 1 and season 2. As they found solace in their unique friendship, this quote from Fezco reassured Rue that he would always have her back, regardless of the circumstances.

6 "You're Confused? I'm F****** Confused, Bro."

Confronting Cal

Euphoria: Unveiling Fez's Iconic Words of Wisdom

Similar to Nate, Cal, his father, is also one of the major antagonists in Euphoria and a continuous source of trouble in Fez's life. After becoming furious at Fez's violent outburst towards his son, Cal drove over to Fez's place, only to find himself captured by Ashtray. Ashtray proceeded to tie him up in a chair, with a shotgun pointed at his head. Initially creating a tense atmosphere, the situation quickly turned into a comedic one, thanks to Fez's reactions and dialogue. When Cal admitted to having slept with Jules, Fez humorously pointed out that Nate had romantic feelings for her. Cal responded with confusion, muttering, "I'm confused," and Fez echoed the sentiment, claiming he was also confused. This amusing scenario showcased miscommunication between two individuals in a precarious position.

5 "Why You Actin' Like That Sh** Was Fun, Rue? For Real. You're Pissin' Me Off."

Annoyed By Rue

Euphoria: Unveiling Fez's Iconic Words of Wisdom

Although Fez rarely got angry with others, Rue had a knack for testing his patience. After a drug deal went horribly wrong, Rue started rapping a Tupac song and admiring the boldness of the drug dealer, Laurie. In contrast, Fez was still haunted by the incident when both he and Rue were brutally robbed at gunpoint. On the way back home, Rue couldn't stop talking about how "fun" it had been. Naturally, this pushed Fez over the edge. These moments make the audience realize that even the typically calm and reflective Fez can become frustrated.

4 "I'm Not Gonna Help You Kill Yourself, Rue. I'm Sorry, But, You Can't Be Coming Over Here No More. Just Go Home."

Protecting Rue

Euphoria: Unveiling Fez's Iconic Words of Wisdom

When Rue hit rock bottom with her drug addiction, she desperately turned to Nate, showing up at his doorstep in search of pills. Despite his usual willingness to assist, Fez decided to take a step back and refuse to enable Rue's self-destructive behavior. This marked the first instance where viewers witnessed Fez lose his temper with Rue. It's important to note that Fez's anger stemmed from genuine concern. This powerful quote yields one of the most emotionally charged scenes in Euphoria, further intensified by Fez's subsequent silence. Meanwhile, Rue persisted in yelling, accusing Fez of being a hypocrite by introducing people to drugs and placing blame on him for her own addiction. The significance of Fez's silence during this exchange speaks volumes about his character.

3 "I Just Wanna Tell You That Talking To You Was One Of The Best Parts Of My Whole Year."

Appreciating Lexi

Euphoria: Unveiling Fez's Iconic Words of Wisdom

The first episode of Season 2 of Euphoria introduced viewers to an unexpected love story. During a New Year's party, the introverted Lexi coincidentally sat down on the same couch as Fez, a man who spoke very few words. Their ensuing conversation was fascinating, as Lexi shared with Fez the pagan origins of Christmas and questioned his morality as a drug dealer. Fez was visibly impressed and even admitted that talking to her was one of the highlights of his year. If any other character had spoken these words, it may have seemed like mere flirting, but Fez's sincerity was evident. This scene set the foundation for a beloved romance between these two popular characters.

2 "Happy New Year, Playboy"

Getting Revenge On Nate

Euphoria: Unveiling Fez's Iconic Words of Wisdom

In season 1, Fez demanded that Nate stay away from Rue and Jules. However, Nate, being the cruel person he is, decided to call the police on Fez instead. This resulted in Fez suffering a loss in his business. Out of anger and a sense of justice, Fez sought revenge on Nate. It wasn't just his own personal loss that fueled Fez's fury, but also the fact that Nate had blackmailed Jules, someone whom Fez considered a good friend. Seeing Nate smirking at a New Year's party only fueled Fez's anger even further. Without hesitation, Fez struck Nate with a glass bottle and proceeded to give him a thorough beating. This act of violence, followed by Fez's memorable phrase, "Happy New Year, playboy," created one of the most unforgettable scenes in season 2, particularly for those who despised Nate.

1 "Don't Shoot, There's A Kid In There!"

Trying To Save Ashtray

Euphoria: Unveiling Fez's Iconic Words of Wisdom

The relationship between Fez and Ashtray was a prominent one in Euphoria season 2. Unfortunately, Ashtray's unpredictable behavior caused their situation to deteriorate as the season progressed. This ultimately resulted in a shocking and unexpected shootout. Despite his brother's pleas and the impending arrival of the police, Ashtray chose to confront the situation head-on instead of surrendering.

This was the most heart-wrenching quote from Fezco, who desperately pleaded with the police officers to exercise caution, frantically yelling, "Please don't shoot, there's a child inside!" In response, Ashtray discharged his firearm, prompting the officers to retaliate with their own gunfire, tragically resulting in the death of Fezco's younger sibling. Undoubtedly, this was one of the most devastating incidents in the history of Euphoria.