Elon Musk's Aspirations for World Leadership Hindered by His Own Actions

Elon Musk's Aspirations for World Leadership Hindered by His Own Actions

Elon Musk's growing global influence and diplomatic engagements with political leaders are overshadowed by his controversial statements, social media posts, and questionable actions, raising doubts about his readiness for world leadership

Elon Musk is gaining significance in global politics and has been traveling the world to engage with political leaders. However, his remarks, social media activity, and behavior indicate that he is not ready for a position of global leadership.

Shortly after publicly endorsing an antisemitic conspiracy theory popular among White supremacists, Musk reversed course and defended the Jewish community following his visit to Israel and meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Musk has faced criticism for his association with antisemitism before, particularly on X, the platform previously known as Twitter. In a recent exchange with Netanyahu, amidst a rise in anti-Jewish hate speech, Musk emphasized his opposition to antisemitism. His ongoing involvement with themes of Jewish hatred has garnered considerable public attention, and despite his efforts to disassociate himself from antisemitism, he has been unable to do so, highlighting a deeper conflict between his desire to be seen as a respected world leader and his entanglement in online extremism.

Musk summarized his takeaways for Netanyahu on Monday, saying "Those who are intent on murder must be neutralized, propaganda that trains people to be future murderers must stop, and Gaza must be made prosperous for a good future to happen... I'd love to help." However, he did not acknowledge the reason for his current position: his endorsement of the antisemitic claim that Jews want to replace Whites in Western countries with non-White minorities. This statement has been widely condemned by the White House and other global leaders.

Continuing to engage in misinformation and conspiracy theories leaves Musk unprepared to handle matters of state and susceptible to manipulation by authoritarians and unscrupulous actors. By embracing extreme views and finding comfort in the presence of others who share them, Musk risks falling into a trap that has ensnared many individuals and families and has been exploited by disinformation actors, warns Matthew Facciani, a misinformation and media literacy researcher at The University of Notre Dame.

According to Facciani, Elon Musk's Twitter activity shows that he regularly engages with right-wing content, and this has increased during COVID-19. This suggests that Musk may be residing within an information bubble that skews his perception of a political group, a phenomenon that is not uncommon among people who spend too much time within their own social media bubbles. The key difference, however, is that Musk's immense wealth and influence on the world set him apart from many others.


For years, Musk has fancied himself as a mover and shaker on the world stage.

His initial, ambitious statements about transforming humanity into an interplanetary species revealed a sense of self-importance. However, Musk's goals have become more realistic and down-to-earth in recent times. He has shown a willingness to involve himself in cultural and actual conflicts, such as Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

From presenting a ridiculed "peace plan" for the two sides to proposing a resolution for Ukraine's future through a proposed fistfight with Russian President Vladimir Putin and blocking Starlink service in Crimea, Musk has consistently sought a significant role in geopolitical conflicts that he seems to not completely grasp.

Elsewhere, Musk has established himself as a leader in the worldwide discussion on artificial intelligence, participating in an exclusive US Senate event with other tech leaders in Washington in September and meeting with UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in November. Additionally, Musk met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in September, accommodating his regime in May by blocking hundreds of X accounts a day before the parliamentary and presidential elections.

He has also attempted to influence US politics by endorsing Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis' presidential campaign and supporting the vaccine skeptic Robert Kennedy Jr.'s unlikely White House bid.

After visiting one of the sites damaged by Hamas attacks on October 7th, Musk gave a serious assessment of the Israel conflict on Monday.

Musk told Netanyahu that the goal is to secure a positive future for Palestinians. The true challenge, he emphasized is devising a plan to eliminate those who are determined to harm Jewish people without causing harm to innocent civilians. Additionally, he wants to put a stop to the kind of false information that is influencing people to commit acts of violence. Musk's recent interest in major global issues reflects his significant influence in shaping the future of society. Through his work in space travel, development of electric cars, and control of a major social network, Musk has positioned himself as a key figure in driving future progress. His access to resources, connections to influential individuals, and persistent desire for attention and approval have all contributed to his central role on the global stage, regardless of his official qualifications.

Or edgelord behavior?

Musk may long for influence over global affairs on par with that of a top-tier statesman. However, his increasing involvement with internet extremism places him at odds with the type of world leader he envisions himself to be.

The international community and the elites Musk wishes to join do not embrace the toxic behavior found in the online forums he frequents. These echo chambers reinforce Musk's reactionary and extremist tendencies, potentially leading to pariah status for the country. While many world leaders hold extreme views, Musk presents himself as a defender of democratic values and individual liberty, which contradicts his casual use of hate-filled tropes with subscribers of X. This behavior is unexpected from any serious world leader, including those considered adversaries of the United States.

The majority of the world community has not attempted to take a balanced approach to Russia's invasion of Ukraine or quietly supported Russia's annexation of Crimea, as evidenced by his decision last year to instruct Starlink engineers not to activate his company's satellite communications network in the region, disrupting a Ukrainian attack on Russia. This decision seemed to be in line with an existing policy to refrain from providing Starlink coverage in Crimea, reflecting Russian ideology and conflicting with the international community's consensus that Crimea is part of Ukraine and was unlawfully seized by Russia in 2014. (Recently, Musk made another decision related to Starlink with potential geopolitical implications by granting the Israeli government control over access to his satellite internet network in Israel and Gaza.)

Musk's actions appear to be aimed at a specific online audience, which he mistakenly believes represents the broader global worldview.

Facciani stated that social media offers a convenient means to connect with like-minded individuals and build community. However, this also means that support can also be found within politically extreme groups. In other words, Musk's frequent controversial statements and retractions stem from his fringe internet reality clashing with the real world repeatedly.

As long as Musk continues to embrace a provocative and rebellious approach, his efforts to be seen as a respected politician will always be viewed as unconvincing and potentially harmful by leaders from other countries.