Easily Unlock 18 Achievements in Genshin Impact Event in Under 5 Minutes

Easily Unlock 18 Achievements in Genshin Impact Event in Under 5 Minutes

Maximize your Genshin Impact gameplay with the latest limited event in Version 37 Players can swiftly complete 18 Elemental Specialist achievements in just 5 minutes, earning valuable rewards along the way

Genshin Impact's Divine Ingenuity event has returned, offering players an opportunity to easily earn some of the more challenging achievements. The game's main focus is on elemental reactions, with Bloom and Vaporize setups becoming more prevalent since the introduction of Dendro. Nilou, Alhaitham, and Nahida have revolutionized the approach to endgame content, and Fontaine's characters are expected to follow suit. These teams generally rely on two different elements complementing each other, with Dendro's reactions being the most intricate. While Genshin Impact has numerous achievements for players to earn, the elemental series particularly emphasizes the successful execution of elemental reactions. Divine Ingenuity simplifies this process, enabling players to create situations that make achieving these goals effortless. Additionally, completing these achievements often results in small Primogem rewards.

Players of Genshin Impact can utilize the Divine Ingenuity feature to create their own personalized domains, including their chosen layout, enemies, and obstacles. These custom domains can then be shared with other players through unique IDs. One strategic approach to utilizing this feature is to create an enemy roster that facilitates triggering elemental reactions, with slimes commonly being used due to their innate elemental emission. While blazinfire's Divine Ingenuity guide has been posted on the Genshin Impact subreddit, Axelolotl, Euphmoria, and DeporeX have also shared their respective region's Domain IDs to assist players in completing the list of achievements. The custom domains have been designed with the event's Trial characters, such as Kazuha, in mind to ensure that all elemental reactions are possible. The thread's comments provide instructions on how to earn individual achievements through any of the domains, but players are encouraged to create and refine their own domains if necessary. The return of Divine Ingenuity has been well-timed, as fans were hoping for more traditional content following the Version 3.7 release centered around Genius Invocation TCG.

Players have until June 29 to enjoy Divine Ingenuity and compete with friends in their Domains. The upcoming launch of version 3.8 of Genshin Impact in mid-July will feature a temporary zone, with Klee and Eula as the main protagonists of its flagship event. Genshin Impact is currently playable on PC, Mobile, PS4, and PS5, with a Switch version in the works.