Dive into the Enchanting World of Genshin Impact: Discover Waterborne Poetry Character Locations!
Discover the enchanting world of Genshin Impact during the Waterborne Poetry event Uncover hidden gems as you meet and interact with an array of captivating characters, including Venti, Callirhoe's Singing Voice, Hu Tao, Xiao, and Old Finch Immerse yourself in their unique stories and embark on unforgettable adventures
The Waterborne Poetry is an event in Genshin Impact where players come together to share friendship and poetry. The Poetry Gala is hosted by representatives from Liyue and Mondstadt, with the participation of Venti, the Archon of Mondstadt, and Hu Tao, the 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.
During the Waterborne Poetry event, players will engage in three different games: Hundred-Pace Hurling Rites, Inspiration Eruption, and Mending Painting Prospects. Completing these games will reward players with 990 Primogems, the Crown of Insight, and the Ballad of the Boundless Blue weapon, along with its refine materials. Additionally, players can discover hidden Easter eggs featuring characters like Xiao, Venti, and Hu Tao throughout the event. To find these character locations in Genshin Impact, follow these steps.
Waterborne Poetry Character Locations In Genshin Impact
After the Waterborne Poetry event, players can locate the following NPCs and characters in Genshin Impact:
Callirhoe singing voice.
Hu Tao.
Old Finch.
During the Waterborne Poetry event, travelers have the opportunity for a bonus interaction with several participating characters, including Venti and Hu Tao at Wangshu Inn.
Noelle and Mika at Stone Gate.
Diona at Stone Gate.
Xingqiu and Chongyun at Stone Gate.
Venti's Location
After the Waterborne Poetry: Part I event, players can have a chat with Venti in Genshin Impact. The Mondstadt Archon is located southwest of the Stone Gate Waypoint.
Callirhoe's Singing Voice's Location
Teleport to the southern Waypoint in Springvale and proceed towards the south until you reach the cliff's edge. There, you can listen to Callirhoe singing a joyful melody. It is important to note that you can only hear her voice once you have completed the Waterborne Poetry: Part III event.
Hu Tao's Location
Once players have finished the Heart of the Deep quest in Genshin Impact, they will have the opportunity to witness a discussion between Jifan and Hu Tao just north of the Liyue Toy Shop. Additionally, during the Waterborne Poetry: Part I event, travelers can interact with Hu Tao and Venti at the Wangshu Inn.
Xiao's Location
North of the eastern Lisha fast-travel Waypoint, players will find Xiao standing on a small cliff.
After engaging in a brief conversation with the Anemo Adepti, proceed to the west in the direction of the offering shed. Approach Wang Ping'an and kindly request a few sticks from him. Then, proceed to place the Fine Incense on the offering table. At this very table, players will come across Xiao's heartfelt poem, which he specially composed for his fellow Yakshas. If the temple has not been restored yet, the poem can still be discovered, albeit not on the table.
Old Finch's Location
During the Waterborne Poetry, Old Finch can be found in two different locations:
West of the Springvale Southern Waypoint (During the Waterborne Poetry: Part III).
Southeast of the northern Springvale Waypoint (Before and after the Waterborne Poetry: Part III).
If players are unable to locate Old Finch at the specified locations in Genshin Impact, it is advisable for travelers to adjust the in-game time clock to daytime. By doing so, they can increase the chances of encountering the grandpa.
Platform(s) Mobile, iOS, Android, PC, PS4, PS5Released September 28, 2020Developer(s) HoYoverse (Formerly miHoYo)Engine UnityESRB T for Teen - Fantasy Violence, Alcohol Reference